Port Filtering
Port Filtering allows you to block outgoing Internet connections and permit only allowed applications to access the Internet. You can also customize a list of allowed applications which permits only certain programs to connect to the Internet.
Be sure to click Save Changes button to ensure that your new settings are saved.
The Port Filtering menu contains the following options:
DMZ – Use the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) to allow all traffic from outside the firewall for a connected device that has a specific local IP address assigned as DMZ. It is recommended to disable DMZ unless urgently needed.
Port Filtering - Click ON to turn on Port Filtering. When the feature is ON, you must select a port filtering application in the Applications list to allow that application to connect to the Internet. For example, if you select VPN in the Applications list, but do not select HTTP, you can connect a VPN server but you cannot connect to a web page using your Internet browser. Click OFF to turn off Port Filtering. When the feature is OFF, any application can connect to the Internet.
Turning ON the Port Filtering feature reflects the following options: