R e p l a c i n g f u s e s
The MAC 500/E has 4 fuses. The main fuse is located on the
The fuses for each of the 3
1.Remove the printed circuit board.
2.Locate and replace the defective fuse with one of the same rating. The fuses are shown on the PCB layout diagram and their values are listed in the specifications.
3.Replace the printed circuit board.
C h a n g i n g t h e X L R p i n - o u t
1.Remove the printed circuit board.
2.Position the jumpers for the desired XLR
3.Replace the printed circuit board.
2 | - |
+ | 3 |
2 | - |
+ | 3 |
C h a n g i n g v o l t a g e a n d f r e q u e n c y s e t t i n g s
7KHYROWDJHDQGIUHTXHQF\VHWWLQJVPXVWPDWFKWKHORFDO$&SRZHUVXSSO\ These settings are printed on the serial number label on the bottom of the base. If the voltage is not within 5 percent of the local supply or the frequency (50/ 60 Hz) is different, then the magnetic ballast and/or transformer must be rewired.
M A C 5 0 0 w i t h m a g n e t i c b a l l a s t
1.Disconnect the MAC 500 from AC power. Remove the top covers.
2.Find the correct transformer and ballast terminals for your AC supply in the table below. Consult a qualified electrician if you do not know the AC frequency and voltage.
AC Supply | Transformer | Magnetic Ballast | |||
Frequency | Voltage | Voltage | Terminal | Setting | Terminal |
50 Hz | 210 V | 4 | 200 V / 50 Hz | 7 | |
50 Hz | 210 V | 4 | 230 V / 50 Hz | 10 | |
50 Hz | 230 V | 6 | 230 V / 50 Hz | 10 | |
50 Hz | 230 V | 6 | 245 V / 50 Hz | 12 | |
50 Hz | 250 V | 8 | 245 V / 50 Hz | 12 | |
60 HZ | 210 V | 4 | 208 V / 60 Hz | 4 | |
60 HZ | 230 V | 6 | 227 V / 60 Hz | 7 | |
3.Locate the transformer: it is on the left end, near the power switch. Move the BROWN and RED transformer wires to the correct terminal. The terminal number is printed in front of the connec- tion tab.
4.Locate the magnetic ballast: it is on the opposite end from the transformer, near the control panel. Move the BROWN ballast wire to the correct terminal. The terminal number is printed in front of the connection tab.
5.Replace the top covers before applying power.
22 | MAC 500/E User Manual |