Charge the battery
ÎInsert the charger delivered with the ap- pliance into a proper socket.
ÎInsert the charging cable plug to the back of the appliance.
Note: During the charging process, the charge/operating display blinks. Once the battery is fully charged, it will be perma- nently illuminated.
ÎWe recommend unplugging the charg- ing plug and the charger after the charging process is complete (after ap- prox. 3 hours).
Recharge the battery after finishing your work.
Start working
ÎApply conventional window cleaner to cleaning area.
ÎSwitch the appliance on, the charge/op- erations display will illuminate.
ÎPull the appliance from the top to the bottom to vacuum up the cleaning solu- tion residue.
Note: Hard to reach areas can be vacu- umed vertically or horizontally (limited are- as).
If the battery is losing its performance, the charge/operations display will begin to blink slowly and the appliance will shut off after a certain time. In this case, recharge the bat- tery.
Switch the appliance off after each cleaned surface. This will increase your operating time per battery charge.
Interrupting the work
ÎSet the appliance on the support leg (parking position) and switch it off.
Emptying the reservoir during oper-
Once the max. fill level (mark) of the dirt water reservoir is reached, please empty the tank.
ÎTurn off the appliance.
ÎPull off the lock of the dirt water reser- voir and empty the tank.
ÎClose the dirt water reservoir.
English 5