Bryant 548F, 542J, 549B manual 100

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15. Compressor Cycle Delay:

Unit shall be prevented from restarting for minimum of 5 min. after shutdown.

*16. Thru-the-Bottom Utility Connectors:

Kit shall provide connectors to permit electrical con- nections to be brought to the unit through the basepan.

*17. Fan/Filter Status Switch:

Provides status of indoor (evaporator) fan (ON/OFF) or filter (CLEAN/DIRTY). Status shall be displayed over communication bus when used with direct digital controls or with an indicator light at the thermostat.

*18. Solid-State Enthalpy Control:

a.For use with Durablade economizer package only.

b.Capable of sensing outdoor-air enthalpy content (temperature and humidity) and controlling econ- omizer cut-in point to have minimum heat content air passing over the indoor coil for most efficient system operation.

*19. Differential Enthalpy Sensor:

a.For use with Durablade economizer only.

b.Capable of comparing enthalpy content (tempera- ture and humidity) of outdoor and indoor air and controlling economizer cut-in point at the most economical level.

*20. EconoMi$er with Power Exhaust:

Package shall provide control of internal building pressure. The two-stage system shall exhaust up to 100% of return air (vertical only).

*21. Two-Stage Power Exhaust Accessory for EconoMi$er:

*23. Return Air Enthalpy Sensor:

The return air enthalpy sensor shall be used with the EconoMi$er device. When used in conjunction with an outdoor air enthalpy sensor, the EconoMi$er device will provide differential enthalpy control.

*24. Return Air Temperature Sensor:

The return air temperature sensor shall be used with the EconoMi$er device. When used in conjunction with the standard outdoor air temperature sensor, the EconoMi$er device will provide differential tem- perature control.

*25. Power Exhaust Auxiliary Transformer:

Field-installed 460v to 230v transformer to provide power to the 230v power exhaust when attached to a 460v rooftop unit.

*26. Ultra-Violet Germicidal Lamps:

Ultra-violet germicidal lamps are designed to elimi- nate odor causing mold and fungus that may develop in the wet area of the evaporator section of the unit. The high output, low temperature germicidal lamps are field installed in the evaporator section of the unit, aimed at the evaporator coil and condensate pan. The short wavelength ultra-violet light inhibits and kills mold, fungus and microbial growth. The lamps have an output rating at 45 F in 400 fpm air- flow of 120 microwatts/cm2 at 1 meter.

*27. Hinged Panel Option (549B only):

Hinged panel option provides hinged access panels for the filter, compressor, evaporator fan, and control box areas. Filter hinged panels permit tool-less entry for changing filters. Each hinged panel is perma- nently attached to the rooftop unit.

28. Emergency Heat Control Package:


Power exhaust shall be used in conjunction with EconoMi$er to provide system exhaust of up to 100% of return air. The power exhaust is a field-installed accessory (vertical and horizontal applications).

The individual fans are energized through the end switches located in the actuator, which will open as the outdoor-air damper opens. These end switches are factory set for 30 and 70% of outdoor-air, and can be set to meet specific job requirements.

*22. Outdoor Air Enthalpy Sensor:

The outdoor air enthalpy sensor shall be used with the EconoMi$er device to provide single enthalpy control. When used in conjunction with a return air enthalpy sensor, the EconoMi$er device will provide differential enthalpy control. The sensor allows the EconoMi$er controller to determine if outside air is suitable for free cooling.

When mechanical heating is locked out, auxiliary heat shall be activated when necessary.

29.Alternate Motors and/or Drives 548F036-060, 090, 120):

Alternate motors and drives shall be factory-installed to provide additional performance range.

30. High-Static Motor(s) and Drive(s) (548F036-120):

High-static motor(s) and drive(s) shall be factory- installed to provide and additional performance range.


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Contents 542J150,180 FEATURES/BENEFITS548F036-072 548F090-120 549B036-072 549B090-120 Table of Contents Integrated ECONOMI$ERS and Outdoor AIR Service OptionsINDOOR-AIR Quality Begins with Bryant Rooftops Options and Accessories Option ACCESSORY†Options and Accessories Barometric RELIEF/POWER ExhaustLOW Ambient Controls Emergency Heat Control PackageDURA-SHIELDOUTDOOR Coil Options Outdoor Coil Protection ApplicationsElectric Heaters ECONOMI$ER Microprocessor ControllerConvenience Outlet Glycol Coil 150,180 onlyHail Guard Bryant Commercial Programmable ThermostatCompressor Hinged Panel Option Control BOX Hinged Panel OptionOptions and Accessories Controls Cooling, Units With EconoMi$er 548F036-072 and 549B036Controls Sequence of Operation 542J150,180Controls Typical Smoke Control/Fire Shutdown Wiring 542J150,180 Operating ModesApplication Data Concentric Duct Distribution 542J150,180 Application DataConcentric Duct Details 542J150,180 Horizontal Discharge Ducting 548F036-120 and 549B036-120 Typical Piping and WiringVertical Discharge Ducting 548F036-120 and 549B036-120 Typical Piping and Wiring ODS Model Number Model Number Nomenclature 548F UnitsARI* Capacity Ratings Physical Data 548F036-072Physical Data 548F090-120072-548F036 Base Unit Dimensions Accessory Dimensions Connector ALT GAS Power Control PKG. Accy Drain HoleRoof Curb Unit Size Accessory CRRFCURB001A00 CRRFCURB002A00Accessory Dimensions Selection Procedure with 548F048 Example Determine Cooling and Heating Loads AT Design ConditionsII Select Unit Based on Required Cooling Capacity III Select Electric HeatPerformance Data Cooling CapacitiesSHC Entering AIR DRY-BULB Temp FCooling Capacities Performance DataEntering AIR DRY-BULB Temp F Bypass Air Temperature Entering Outdoor Coil F Instantaneous and Integrated Heating Ratings4100/0.18 4700/0.21 UnderInstantaneous and Integrated Heating Ratings 1800 Cap 2400 Cap3000 Cap 2600 CapCfm Standard Air 2400 Cap3600 Cap 4000 CapFAN Performance Vertical Discharge Units 548F036 3 Tons Standard Motor Direct DriveESP 548F036 3 Tons Alternate Motor Belt DriveFAN Performance Vertical Discharge Units 548F048 4 Tons Alternate Motor Belt DriveESP 548F060 5 Tons Standard Motor Direct Drive548F060 5 Tons Alternate Motor Belt Drive 548F060 5 Tons HIGH-STATIC Motor Belt Drive 548F072 6 Tons HIGH-STATIC Motor Belt Drive Rpm Bhp Watts 511 539518 562 534 607548F090 71/2 Tons HIGH-STATIC Motor Belt Drive 548F102 8 TONS* Standard Motor Belt Drive 548F102 81/2 Tons HIGH-STATIC Motor Belt Drive 548F120 10 Tons Rpm Bhp963 2651 973 2782Airflow Low Speed High Speed Cfm 208 230, 460, 575 FAN Performance Horizontal Discharge UnitsCfm Rpm Bhp Watts FAN Performance Horizontal Discharge Units 548F048 4 Tons Alternate Motor Belt Drive658 276 722 337 840 470 693 327 754 388 867 531729 388 787 450 895 593 765 460 821 521548F060 5 Tons HIGH-STATIC Motor Belt Drive 548F072 6 Tons Standard Motor Belt DriveRpm Bhp Watts 1800 942 700 1047 835 1139 956 1031 12761900 982 779 1084 932 1160 1006 1114Rpm Bhp Watts 2250 465 473 554 630 2300 471 487 559 6462400 482 524 569 684 2500 494 554 581 723Rpm Bhp Watts 2250 507 547 586 700 658 891 722 1097 783 2300 513 562 592 723 663 916 727 1131 7862400 528 600 606 779 674 965 738 1199 795 2500 542 648 619 835 686 1022 748 1258 806548F102 81/2 Tons Standard Motor Belt Drive Rpm Bhp Watts 2550 669 627 867 692 1056 754 1292 812 2900 604 867 676 1089 737 1318 794 1560 8483100 636 1006 704 1241 764 1499 818 1744 3200 652 1089 718 1327 778 1595 831 1849General Notes for FAN Performance Tables ACCESSORY/FIOP Static PRESSURE* in. wg 548F036-072 ACCESSORY/FIOP Static PRESSURE* in. wg 548F090-120FAN RPM AT Motor Pulley SETTINGS* 548F036-120 Component CFMOptional Power Exhaust EconoMi$er Barometric Relief Damper CharacteristicsPower Requirements Mocp SizeElectric Heating Capacities Multiplication FactorsHeater Rating DistributionINDOOR-FAN Motor Performance 548F Units Unit INDOOR-FAN Maximum Acceptable MotorOperating Watts AMP Draw Efficiency % 090Electrical Data Units Without Electrical Convenience OutletElectrical Data Units Without Electrical Convenience OutletVoltage Compressor Electric Heat Power Supply Disconnect Nominal IFM RangeOFM IFM SIZE† Tons81/2 Tons Units with Electrical Convenience Outlet Units with Electrical Convenience Outlet 40.4 45†† 195/195 13.6/15.6 57.4 59.9 60†† 208/211 Voltage Compressor Electric Power Supply Disconnect Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage Typical Wiring Schematic SW4Typical Wiring Schematic Outdoor-Fan MotorModel Number Nomenclature 549B E X 090 000 AA549B036-060 549B072-120549B036-072 Base Unit 549B549B090,120 Base Unit Dimensions 549B036-120 549B090,120 549B036-072 ′-2 ″′-0 ″ ″ 19 NPT 827 583 44.5 12.7 NPT Selection Procedure with 549B048 Example II Select Unit Based on Required CoolingCapacity Enter Cooling Capacities table at outdoor entering temperEntering AIR DRY-BULB Temp F Bypass SHCFactor 549B072 6 Tons Temp F 1800/0.06 2100/0.066 2400/0.071 3000/0.088 Entering Air549B090 71/2 Tons Temp F 2250/0.12 3000/0.15 3750/0.18 Entering Air900 Cap 549B036 3 Tons549B048 4 Tons 549B072 6 Tons 549B060 5 Tons2100 Cap 549B090 71/2 Tons Temperature Air Entering Outdoor Coil F db at 70% rh549B120 10 Tons Rpm Bhp 900 673 736 805 865 911 1000709 782 835 900 937 1100 746 806 867 929 964 1200549B060 5 Tons Standard Motor Belt Drive 549B072 6 Tons Standard Motor Belt Drive549B090 71/2 Tons Standard Motor Belt Drive 549B120 10 Tons Standard Motor Belt Drive 584 656 734 818 875 1000 627 738 800 848 895 1100670 758 812 863 914 1200 710 780 840 889 938 1300Cfm Rpm Bhp 1500 1108 1187 1202 1079 2100 1252 1320 1388 14481372 Airflow External Static Pressure in. wgRpm Bhp 2250 630 695635 699 645 708595 657 716 770 605 667 725 779615 679 734 787 625 691 744 796ACCESSORY/FIOP Static PRESSURE* in. wg 549B036-072 ACCESSORY/FIOP Static PRESSURE* in. wg 549B090,120FAN RPM AT Motor Pulley SETTINGS* 549B036-120 549B 036INDOOR-FAN Motor Data 549B036-120 Outdoor Sound Power Total Unit Electric Heating CapacitiesNominal Voltage Electric Power Minimum Unit Compressor OFM Disconnect Voltage Range Heat SupplyRLA LRA FLA MCA Mocp LRANominal Voltage Electric Power Minimum Unit Compressor IFM Disconnect Voltage Range Heat SupplyPh-Hz Min Max RLA LRA FLA30.4 106/106 43.0 247/247 10.4 21.7 25.0 70.1 74.3 269/272 Typical Wiring Schematic Must Rating HFG. PT. no TripPotter & Brunfield Amps RVSPart 1 General Guide Specifications 548F and 549B036-120 UnitsPart 2 Products Guide Specifications 548F and 549B036-120 Units Guide Specifications 548F and 549B036-120 Units 100 Model Number Nomenclature 542J150,180 Units 542J E X 150 000 AB H BWeight Distribution and Center of Gravity Unit Weight Weight of Corner Dimensions542J150,180 Units Cooling HEATING-HIGH Temp HEATING-LOW Temp Sound UnitUnit 542J STDALT STD ALTUnit Maximum Shipping Weight Unit DimensionsUnit Weight of Corner 542J 150 1895 860 180 2205 1000DIMENSIONS* degrees and inches PKG NO. REF Curb Description Height CRRFCURB010A00CRRFCURB011A00 CRRFCURB012A00Horizontal Adapter Installation 542J150,180 Accessory Curb DescriptionConvenience Outlet 542J150,180 HeightPower Exhaust 542J150,180 Non-Fused Disconnect 542J150,180Selection Procedure with 542J180 Example Capacity TC of 180,800 Btuh, a sensible heat capacity542J150 Temp F Air Entering Indoor Coil Cfm/BF 542J1805625 Integrated Heating CapacitiesCFM General Notes for FAN Performance Tables ACCESSORY/FIOP Static PRESSURE* in. wg 542J150,180 FAN RPM AT Motor Pulley SETTINGS* 542J150,180Fan Performance Using Accessory Power Exhaust ACCESSORY/FIOP Unit Size Unit Voltage CFMGlycol Coil Data Electric Heating Capacities 542J150,180Glycol Coil Ratings INDOOR-FAN Motor Performance 542J150,180 542J180, 460-3-60 Shown BKR W/AT LORLPS CAPOptional Non-Fused Disconnect 542J150,180 Part 1 General Guide Specifications 542J150,180 UnitsPart 2 Products Guide Specifications 542J150,180 Units 120 121 Index 95,96
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549B, 548F, 542J specifications

Bryant 542J is a high-efficiency gas furnace that stands out for its reliability and advanced heating technologies. Designed to deliver consistent warmth and comfort in residential settings, it combines innovative engineering with energy-efficient features.

One of the key characteristics of the Bryant 542J is its two-stage heating capability. This means that the furnace can adjust its heat output according to the heating demands of your home. During milder weather, it operates at a lower stage, consuming less energy while still maintaining a comfortable environment. When the temperatures drop, the furnace shifts to its higher capacity, providing the necessary warmth efficiently. This not only enhances comfort but also contributes to lower energy bills.

In addition to its two-stage operation, the Bryant 542J also incorporates a variable-speed blower motor. This technology allows the furnace to adjust the airflow depending on the heating requirements, ensuring an even distribution of warm air throughout the home. The variable-speed blower also operates more quietly than conventional fixed-speed motors, creating a serene indoor environment.

Energy efficiency is a hallmark of the Bryant 542J, boasting an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating of up to 96.5%. This impressive rating means that a significant portion of the energy consumed is effectively converted into usable heat, resulting in substantial savings on heating costs over time. Furthermore, the furnace is equipped with a sealed combustion system that draws air from outside the home, minimizing energy waste and improving indoor air quality.

Diagnostic features are another highlight of the Bryant 542J, which come equipped with SmartEvap technology. This allows the unit to self-diagnose potential issues, providing homeowners with peace of mind and simplifying maintenance procedures.

Durability is also a key feature of the Bryant 542J. It is constructed with high-quality materials designed to withstand harsh winter conditions, ensuring a long lifespan and reliable performance. Its compact design also allows for flexible installation, making it suitable for various residential layouts.

In summary, the Bryant 542J is more than just a gas furnace; it is a sophisticated heating solution that combines efficiency, comfort, and reliability. With features such as two-stage heating, a variable-speed blower, high AFUE ratings, and advanced diagnostics, it is an excellent choice for homeowners seeking an efficient and effective heating system.