Engine Starting Controls
1 Magnetic Shutdown Switch
Use switch during
2 Starting Aid Switch
Use switch to energize starting aid for cold weather starting (see starting instructions fol- lowing).
3 Engine Control Switch
Use switch to start engine, select engine speed ( if unit has auto idle option), and stop engine.
In Run position, engine runs at weld/power speed. In Run/Idle position (optional), engine runs at idle speed at no load and weld speed with load applied.
To Start:
YDo not use ether.
.If engine does not start, let engine come
to a complete stop before attempting re- start.
Above 325 F (05 C): turn Engine Control switch to Start while pressing Shutdown switch. Release Engine Control switch when engine starts. Continue holding Shutdown switch until engine indicator lights go out.
Below 325 F (05 C): turn engine control switch to Run/Idle position. Push Starting Aid switch up for 60 seconds. While still holding Starting Aid switch, press Magnetic Shutdown switch and turn Engine Control switch to Start. Re- lease Engine Control switch and Starting Aid switch when engine starts. Continue holding Shutdown switch until engine indicator lights go out.
To Stop: turn Engine Control switch to Off position.
Engine Indicator Lights
4 Battery Charging Light
Light goes on if engine alternator is not charg- ing battery. Engine continues to run.
YStop engine and fix trouble if Battery Charging light goes on.
5 Engine Temperature Light
Light goes on and engine stops if engine tem- perature is above 221 ° F (105° C).
YStop engine and fix trouble if Engine Temperature light goes on.
6 Engine Oil Pressure Light
Light goes on and engine stops if oil pressure is below 5 psi (34 kPa). Light goes on momen- tarily during
YStop engine and fix trouble if Engine
Oil Pressure light stays on after start- up.
7 Fuel Light
Light is not active on this model.
8Engine Hour Meter
Engine Gauges
.To read gauges and engine indicator lights with engine off, turn Engine Control switch to Run/Idle and press Magnetic Shutdown switch (see Section
9 Fuel Gauge
Use gauge to check fuel level.
To check fuel level when engine is not run- ning, turn Engine Control switch to Run/Idle position and press Magnetic Shutdown switch.
10 Battery Voltmeter (Optional)
Use gauge to check battery voltage and moni- tor the engine charging system. The meter should read about 14 volts dc when the en- gine is running, and about 12 volts dc when the engine is stopped.
11Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge (Optional)
Normal temperature is 180 - 203° F (82 - 95° C). When equipped with gauge option, engine stops if temperature exceeds 220° F (104° C).
12 Engine Oil Pressure Gauge (Optional)
Normal pressure is 30 − 60 psi (207 − 414 kPa). When equipped with gauge option, en- gine stops if pressure is below 10 psi (69 kPa).
Weld Controls
13 Process/Contactor Switch
See Section
14 Ampere Range Switch
YDo not switch under load.
Use switch to select weld amperage range.
Use the lowest four ranges for Stick and TIG welding. Read the upper set of numbers at each range for Stick welding and the lower set at each range for TIG welding.
Use the highest range for MIG welding and for cutting and gouging
For most welding applications, use lowest amperage range possible to help prevent arc outages.
15 Voltage/AmperageAdjust Control
With Process/Contactor switch in any Stick or TIG setting, use control to adjust amperage within range selected by Ampere Range switch. With Process/Contactor switch in any MIG position, use control to adjust voltage. With Voltage/Amperage Adjust Switch in Re- mote position, control limits the remote am- perage in TIG mode, but has no effect in Stick and MIG modes.
Weld output would be about 213 A DC with controls set as shown (50% of 110 to 315 A).
.The numbers around the control are for
reference only and do not represent an actual percentage value.
16Voltage/Amperage Adjust Switch And Remote 14 Receptacle
Use switch to select front panel or remote voltage/amperage control. For remote con- trol, place switch in Remote position and con- nect remote control to Remote 14 receptacle RC14 (see Sections
17Polarity Switch (Optional)
Y Do not switch under load.
Use the Polarity switch to change weld out- put. Select either DC Electrode Positive (DCEP) or DC Electrode Negative (DCEN).
18Polarity/AC Switch (Optional)
Y Electric shock can kill.
YDo not use AC output in damp areas, if movement is confined, or if there is a danger of falling.
YUse AC output ONLY if required for the welding process. If AC output is re- quired, use remote output control if present on unit.
YDo not switch under load.
Use Polarity/AC switch to select AC or DC weld output and DC weld output polarity. For Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN), turn switch to − (Negative) position. For Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP), turn switch to + (Positive) position. For weld pro- cesses that require alternating current (AC), use AC position.
Weld Meters
.Optional weld meters do not work with optional Polarity/AC switch in AC position.
19 DC Voltmeter (Optional)
Voltmeter displays voltage at the weld output terminals, but not necessarily the welding arc due to resistance of cable and connections.
20 DC Ammeter (Optional)
Ammeter displays amperage output of the unit.
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