Grizzly G0513X2B manual Wiring Safety Instructions

Page 17


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>[i]ZgZVgZY^[[ZgZcXZhWZilZZcndjgbVX]^cZVcYl]Vi^hh]dlc^ci]^hhZXi^dc!XVaaIZX]c^XVaHjeedgiVi *,%*)+".++([dgVhh^hiVcXZ7:;DG:bV`^c\VcnX]Vc\Zhidi]Zl^g^c\dcndjgbVX]^cZ#6cjeYViZY l^g^c\ Y^V\gVb bVn WZ VkV^aVWaZ# Note: Please gather the serial number and manufacture date of your machine before calling. This information can be found on the main machine label.

Wiring Safety Instructions

SHOCK HAZARD. Ldg`^c\dcl^g^c\i]Vi^hXdc"



dg XdbedcZcih ^cXgZVhZ i]Z g^h` d[ hZg^djh eZg"

IdjX]^c\ ZaZXig^[^ZY eVgih l^aa gZhjai ^c eZghdcVa


^c_jgn ^cXajY^c\ Wji cdi a^b^iZY id hZkZgZ Wjgch!


ZaZXigdXji^dc! dg YZVi]# 9^hXdccZXi i]Z edlZg

eZg[dgb^c\ V l^g^c\ iVh`! gZeaVXZ i]dhZ l^gZh dg





MODIFICATIONS. BdY^[n^c\ i]Z l^g^c\ WZndcY l]Vi^hh]dlc^ci]ZY^V\gVbbVnaZVYidjcegZ" Y^XiVWaZ gZhjaih! ^cXajY^c\ hZg^djh ^c_jgn dg [^gZ# I]^h^cXajYZhi]Z^chiVaaVi^dcd[jcVeegdkZYV[iZg" bVg`ZieVgih#

WIRE CONNECTIONS. 6aa XdccZXi^dch bjhi WZ i^\]i id egZkZci l^gZh [gdb addhZc^c\ Yjg^c\ bVX]^cZ deZgVi^dc# 9djWaZ"X]ZX` Vaa l^gZh Y^h" XdccZXiZYdgXdccZXiZYYjg^c\Vcnl^g^c\iVh`id ZchjgZi^\]iXdccZXi^dch#

CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS. Ndj BJHI [daadl i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih Vi i]Z WZ\^cc^c\ d[ i]^h bVc" jVa l]Zc XdccZXi^c\ ndjg bVX]^cZ id V edlZg hdjgXZ#

MOTOR WIRING. I]Z bdidg l^g^c\ h]dlc ^c i]ZhZ Y^V\gVbh ^h XjggZci Vi i]Z i^bZ d[ eg^ci^c\ WjibVncdibViX]ndjgbVX]^cZ#>[ndj[^cYi]^h idWZi]ZXVhZ!jhZi]Zl^g^c\Y^V\gVb^ch^YZi]Z bdidg_jcXi^dcWdm#

CAPACITORS/INVERTERS. HdbZ XVeVX^idgh VcYedlZg^ckZgiZghhidgZVcZaZXig^XVaX]Vg\Z[dg je id &% b^cjiZh V[iZg WZ^c\ Y^hXdccZXiZY [gdb i]Z edlZg hdjgXZ# Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ WZ^c\ h]dX`ZY!lV^iViaZVhii]^hadc\WZ[dgZldg`^c\dc XVeVX^idgh#

EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ndjVgZZmeZ" g^ZcX^c\Y^[[^Xjai^ZhjcYZghiVcY^c\i]Z^c[dgbVi^dc ^cXajYZY ^c i]^h hZXi^dc! XdciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa HjeedgiVi*,%*)+".++(#

The photos and diagrams included in this section are best viewed in color. You can view these pages in color at

Model G0513X2B (Mfg. Since 5/11)





Image 17 Contents
Model G0513X2B Bandsaw $&+,1$7$ Table Information Replaces on Safety Instructions for MachineryZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety for Bandsaws Plug/Receptacle Nema Cord Wire, 14 AWG, 300VAC, S-Type PhaseFull-Load Current Rating at 220V.... .7 Amps Nominal Voltage 220V/240V50 ft Minimum Gauge Size 14 AWGHardware and Tools Qty Crate Contents Figure QtyReplaces Inventory Replaces Positive Stop on Replaces Installing Fence onReplaces Table on Guide Post Handwheel Power ConnectionTo test run the machine Replaces Test RunMotor Brake To align the fence parallel with the miter slot Disabling & Locking Switch Replaces Aligning Fence on To calibrate the pointer Pointer CalibrationReplaces Lubrication on To lubricate the tension adjustment assem- blyTo lubricate the blade guide rack and pinion To lubricate the blade tracking knobTools Needed Magnetic Brake AdjustmentWiring Safety Instructions WiringG0513X2B Electrical Components Control panel wiring220 VAC G0513X2B Wiring Diagram 220V, 1-PhPlug As recommendedMain Breakdown Description Main Parts ListDescription Fence-Guides Breakdown Fence-Guides Parts List Trunnion Breakdown Labels Breakdown Eye protection assortment AccessoriesOrder Hours a DAY