Grizzly G0513X2B manual Minimum Gauge Size 14 AWG, 50 ft

Page 8

Grounding Instructions

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6-15 PLUG


Figure 1. Typical 6-15 plug and receptacle.

No adapter should be used with the required plug. If the plug does not fit the available receptacle, or the machine must be reconnected for use on a different type of circuit, the reconnection must be made by a qualified electrician and comply with all local codes and ordinances.


Serious injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before completing the setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual.

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Extension Cords

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Minimum Gauge Size

14 AWG

Maximum Length (Shorter is Better)

50 ft.

Model G0513X2B (Mfg. Since 5/11)

Image 8 Contents
Model G0513X2B Bandsaw $&+,1$7$ Table Information Safety Instructions for Machinery Replaces onChildren & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#Additional Safety for Bandsaws Phase Plug/Receptacle Nema Cord Wire, 14 AWG, 300VAC, S-TypeFull-Load Current Rating at 220V.... .7 Amps Nominal Voltage 220V/240VMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG 50 ftHardware and Tools Qty Crate Contents Figure QtyReplaces Inventory Replaces Positive Stop on Replaces Installing Fence onReplaces Table on Power Connection Guide Post HandwheelTo test run the machine Replaces Test RunMotor Brake To align the fence parallel with the miter slot Disabling & Locking SwitchReplaces Aligning Fence on Pointer Calibration To calibrate the pointerTo lubricate the tension adjustment assem- bly Replaces Lubrication onTo lubricate the blade guide rack and pinion To lubricate the blade tracking knobMagnetic Brake Adjustment Tools NeededWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsControl panel wiring G0513X2B Electrical ComponentsG0513X2B Wiring Diagram 220V, 1-Ph 220 VACPlug As recommendedMain Breakdown Main Parts List DescriptionDescription Fence-Guides Breakdown Fence-Guides Parts List Trunnion Breakdown Labels Breakdown Accessories Eye protection assortmentOrder Hours a DAY