Setting up the router's debug options
You can set up your device to automatically reboot itself. You can also set up the device to record and report Syslog messages that can help you resolve issues you might experience with your device. To do so:
From Administration, select Debug Options.
Automatically rebooting the device
To specify the amount of time that passes before the device automatically reboots itself:
1.In the Auto Reboot Timer field, type the number of hours that lapse before the device automatically reboots itself. The range you can enter is 0 to 999.
2.If you do NOT want the device to automatically reboot, set the time to 0. The default setting is 0.
Configuring Syslog
To enable and configure Syslog to capture and send messages from your device:
1.To activate Syslog, check Enabled.
2.To enable a remote server to receive and store the router's log data, in the IP Address field, type the IP address of the desired server.
3.To determine the amount of log information that is collected, in the Debug Log Level, type the value that represents the type of information you want to log. All messages with a priority level up to the given value are logged.
For example, if you set the log level to 6 all messages with a priority from 0 through 6 are logged, and messages with a priority level of 7 are ignored.
4.To download Syslog information directly from the device, click Download.
Using the Router’s Web Interface | 37 |