Welcome to CarChip
Print - Prints the current open displayed page.
Print Preview - Previews the current open page.
Help - Opens the CarChip Help file.
See Also:
Navigation Buttons
Shortcuts and Navigation Aids
Navigation Buttons
Trip Log Navigation Buttons
Use the left and right arrow navigation buttons to select records in the Trip Log View:
Back - Click the left arrow button to display the previous trip record.
Forward - Click the right arrow button to display the next trip record.
Use the up and down arrow navigation buttons to select plots in the Trip Log Plot View:
Up - Click the up arrow button scroll up to the next plot.
Down - Click the down arrow button to scroll down to the next plot.
Accident Log Navigation Buttons
Use the left and right arrow navigation buttons to select records in the Accident Log View:
Back - Click the left arrow button to display the previous accident record.