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2.Click the Draw Plot Coordinates... check box to toggle the function on and off. A check indicates that coordinates display only when the Control key is pressed in a plot view. When the function is turned off, coordinates are displayed anytime the cursor is active over a plot.
3.Click OK to save the new plot setup. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box and retain the previous plot setup. Click Apply to make the change without exiting the dialog box.
Normalize Vertical Speed Axes
The Normalize Vertical Speed Axes check box in the Setup / Plots dialog box displays the plot vertical axis based on a set speed in the Trip Log Plot view when selected.
If the Normalize Vertical Speed Axes check box is selected from the Setup / Plots dialog box, the top limit of the plot is the speed limit displayed in the text box. If this check box is not selected, each plot is displayed based on the maximum speed reached in the plot.
To display plots with a normalized axis:
1.Select Plots from the Setup menu. The Setup / Plots dialog box displays.
2.Click the Normalize Vertical Speed Axes check box to toggle the function on and off. A check indicates that the plots display normalized speed axis.
3.Type the speed that represents the top limit displayed in all the Trip Log Plot views.
The default vertical axis value is 90 mph, 153 kph, or 42.5 meters per second, based on the unit system selected from the Units dialog box. The maximum allowable vertical axis speed is 158 mph, 255 kph, or 70.8 m/s.
4.Click OK to save the new plot setup. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box and retain the previous plot setup. Click Apply to make the change without exiting the dialog box.