Authentication Process of verifying whether a user is authorized to perform a task, for example, accessing a computer, modifying settings for a particular program, or viewing secured data.
Biometric Category of authentication credentials that use a physical feature, such as a fingerprint, to identify a user.
BIOS profile Group of BIOS configuration settings that can be saved and applied to other accounts.
BIOS security mode Setting in Java Card Security that, when enabled, requires the use of a Java Card and a valid PIN for user authentication.
Certification authority Service that issues the certificates required to run a public key infrastructure.
Credentials Method by which a user proves eligibility for a particular task in the authentication process.
Cryptographic service provider (CSP) Provider or library of cryptographic algorithms that can be used in a
Cryptography Practice of encrypting and decrypting data so that it can be decoded only by specific individuals.
Decryption Procedure used in cryptography to convert encrypted data into plain text.
Digital certificate Electronic credentials that confirm the identity of an individual or a company by binding the identity of the digital certificate owner to a pair of electronic keys that are used to sign digital information.
Digital signature Data sent with a file that verifies the sender of the material, and that the file has not been modified after it was signed.
Domain Group of computers that are part of a network and share a common directory database. Domains are uniquely named, and each has a set of common rules and procedures.
DriveLock Security feature that links the hard drive to a user and requires the user to correctly type the DriveLock password when the computer starts up.
Emergency recovery archive Protected storage area that allows the reencryption of basic user keys from one platform owner key to another.
Encryption Procedure, such as use of an algorithm, employed in cryptography to convert plain text into cipher text in order to prevent unauthorized recipients from reading that data. There are many types of data encryption, and they are the basis of network security. Common types include Data Encryption Standard and
Encryption File System (EFS) System that encrypts all files and subfolders within the selected folder.
FAT partition File Allocation Table, a method of indexing storage media.
Identity In the HP ProtectTools Credential Manager, a group of credentials and settings that is handled like an account or profile for a particular user.
Java Card Small piece of hardware, similar in size and shape to a credit card, which stores identifying information about the owner. Used to authenticate the owner to a computer.
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