HP SAN manual Glossary

Page 97


Active firmware

The firmware image on the switch that is in use

Active zone set

The zone set that defines the current zoning for the fabric

Activity LED

A port LED that indicates when frames are entering or leaving the port

Administrative state

State that determines the operating state of the port, I/O blade, or switch. The


configured administrative state is stored in the switch configuration. The configured


administrative state can be temporarily overridden using the CLI.


Arbitrated Loop Physical Address


A message generated by the switch that specifically requests attention. Alarms are


generated by several switch processes. Some alarms can be configured.

Arbitrated loop

An Fibre Channel topology where ports use arbitration to establish a point-to-point



Arbitrated Loop

A unique one-byte value assigned during loop initialization to each NL_Port on a

Physical Address





Application Specific Integrated Circuit

Auto Save

Zoning parameter that determines whether changes to the active zone set that a


switch receives from other switches in the fabric will be saved to permanent memory


on that switch


A type of network server

Buffer credit

A measure of port buffer capacity equal to one frame

Cascade topology

A fabric in which the switches are connected in series. If you connect the last switch


back to the first switch, you create a cascade-with-a-loop topology.


Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

Class 2 service

A service that multiplexes frames at frame boundaries to or from one or more


N_Ports wit h acknowledgment provided

Class 3 service

A service that multiplexes frames at frame boundaries to or from one or more


N_Ports without acknowledgment

Configured zone sets The zone sets stored on a switch.


Enables (True) or disables (False) communication among ports/devices that are not


defined in the active zone set or when there is no active zone set. This parameter


applies only when interop mode is set to McDATA Fabric Mode.

Device Security

A component of fabric security that provides for the authorization and


authentication of devices that attach to a switch through the use of groups and


security sets

Domain ID

User defined number that identifies the switch in the fabric


Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Manager

Element Manager

Switch management application that is accessible through the High Availability


Fabric Manager (HAFM).

Event log

Log of messages describing events that occur in the fabric

Expansion port

E_Port that connects to another FC-SW-2 compliant switch

Fabric database

The set of fabrics that have been opened during a McDATA Web Server session

Fabric management

The switch through which the fabric is managed (the switch connected to the


Ethernet network)

Fabric name

User defined name associated with the file that contains user list data for the fabric

Fabric port

An F_Port

Image 97
Contents McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch Page Contents Managing switches Glossary Index Managing portsTables Prerequisites Intended audienceRelated documentation Jdom license Document conventions and symbolsHP-authorized reseller HP technical supportHelpful web sites Using McDATA Web Server/Element Manager Starting McDATA Web Server Workstation requirementsExiting McDATA Web Server or Element Manager Starting Element Manager in HafmSetting preferences Viewing software version and copyright information Using online helpEnabling call home Enabling e-mail supportMcDATA Web Server interface User interfaceMenu bar Shortcut keys Popup menusGraphic window McDATA Web Server Fabric treeData windows and tabs Selecting switchesSelecting ports Securing a fabric Security consistency checklistConnection security Remote authenticationUser account security Device security Edit Security dialog Create Security Group dialog Create Security Set dialogCreate Security Group Member dialog McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide Viewing properties of a security set, group, or member Editing the security configuration on a switchArchiving a security configuration to a file Security Config dialogActivating a security set Rediscovering a fabric Fabric servicesEvents browser Displaying the event browserSorting the event browser Saving the event browser to a file Filtering the event browserDevices data window Working with device information and nicknamesManaging device port nicknames Displaying detailed device informationEditing a nickname Creating a nicknameDeleting a nickname Exporting nicknames to a fileZoning concepts Zoning a fabricZones Zoning database Zone setsZoning limits and properties Editing the zoning database Managing the zoning databaseMcDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide Saving the zoning database to a file Configuring the zoning databaseRestoring the zoning database from a file Managing the active zone set Restoring the default zoning databaseRemoving all zoning definitions Active zone set data window Displaying the configured and active zone setsActivating and deactivating a zone set Creating a zone setRemoving a zone from a zone set Removing a zone setCreating a zone in a zone set Managing zonesRenaming a zone or a zone set Adding zone membersRemoving a zone member Merging fabrics and zoning Zone merge failure recoveryZone merge failure Managing user accounts Managing switchesCreating user accounts User Account Administration dialog Add Account tabRemoving a user account User Account Administration Dialog Remove Account tabUser Account Administration dialog Change Password tab Changing a user account passwordModifying a user account User Account Administration dialog Modify Account tabConfiguring Radius servers Adding a Radius server Removing a Radius server Editing Radius server information Modifying Radius server authentication order Switch event log Displaying switch informationDevice and Host Bus Adapter information Switch data window Switch status and operational informationMcDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide With a switch Ratov Port performance statistics McDATA Web Server Configured Zonesets data windowPort status and operational information Configuring port threshold alarms Setting the date/time and enabling NTP client Paging a switchResetting a switch Switch properties Configuring a switchDomain ID and domain ID lock Syslog Symbolic nameBroadcast support Switch administrative statesIn-band management Fabric Device Management Interface Advanced switch propertiesTimeout values System servicesInterop mode Page Network properties Snmp properties Snmp trap configuration Snmp configurationSwitch binding Archiving a switchRestoring a switch Restoring the factory default configuration Downloading a support file Installing Product Feature Enablement keys Installing firmware Hardware status LEDs Displaying hardware statusPort information data window Managing portsPersistent and will be lost on a switch reset VIEnable and LCFEnable features based on Port statistics data window LIP ALPD,ALPS Alps Port symbolic name Viewing and configuring portsPort states Port types Port transceiver media status Port speedsDevice scan Testing ports Resetting a portPort binding Page Glossary FRU SFP 100 Index 102 System Fault LED 84 system services 104