Sample Programs, Configuration, and Header Files
svccls.allow Configuration File
svccls.allow Configuration File
The following is the contents of the /etc/opt/webqos/svccls.allow configuration file.
#Service classes that a process is allowed to move to
#Line syntax:
#user_name:class [class [... [class]]]
#Valid class values are: #OTHER, low, medium, high
#Class values are
#be used in place of OTHER.
#Wild cards:
#user_name can be replaced by *, thus allowing any user to move
#to the listed service classes
#class can be replaced by *, thus allowing a given process
#to be moved to any class defined by WebQoS
#Comments must start with a # in the first column.
#By default, no processes are allowed to be moved. For
#security reasons, the WebQoS administrator has to list the
#allowed users in this file, explicitly.
#www:high medium low
#www2:medium low
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