Using the WebQoS API wq_set_proc_cls()
Table | wq_set_proc_cls() Error Codes | |
| Error Code | Description |
| WQERR_NOTROOT | The process attempted to set the process group to |
| a value that can only be accessed by root. |
| WQERR_NOTREADY | PRM is not installed or not configured on the |
| system. |
| WQERR_OTHER | If error logging to syslog is enabled (“error” level |
| for all facilities), the error is logged to a file. |
| WQERR_PERMISSION | The process does not have permission to change |
| to the specified process group. Make sure that the |
| /etc/opt/webqos/svccls.allow file is |
| configured and is not corrupt. |
Multithreaded Applications
This function is NOT thread safe. Although it can be called from a multithreaded process, the application must ensure that the function is not called by more than one thread at a time.
See Appendix A , “Sample Programs, Configuration, and Header Files,” on page 33 for an example.
24 | Chapter 2 |