NOTE: The disk group version must be at least 160 to create and use the cdsdisk format on disks of size greater than 1 TB.
IMPORTANT: VxVM uses the Global Partition Table (GPT) format to initialize disks of size greater than 1TB in the cdsdisk format. HP Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and the diskowner command do not recognize disks formatted with the GPT layout. So, LVM and the diskowner command do not recognize disks of size greater than 1 TB.
For more information, refer to the “Known Problems and Workarounds” section of the Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Release Notes.
•Default format for
VxVM will initialize all
•Default naming scheme for devices is Enclosure Based Naming Scheme(ebn)
Starting with the VxVM 5.1 SP1 release, the default naming scheme for devices has changed to the Enclosure Based Naming Scheme(ebn). The following example shows some sample device names on a system running VxVM 5.1 SP1:
Example 1 Sample device names on a system using the Enclosure Based Naming Scheme(ebn) (default in VxVM 5.1 SP1)
disk_0 auto:cdsdisk c4t0d0 dg1 online disk_1 auto:LVM - - LVM
disk_2 auto:LVM - - LVM disk_3 auto:LVM - - LVM
disk_4 auto:hpdisk rootdisk01 rootdg online
To change the default naming scheme to the Legacy Device Naming Scheme, use the following command:
# vxddladm set namingscheme=osn mode=legacy
The following example shows some sample device names on a system using the Legacy Device Naming Scheme:
Example 2 Sample device names on a system using the Legacy Device Naming Scheme
c0t6d0 auto:hpdisk rootdisk01 rootdg online c3t6d0 auto:LVM - - LVM
c4t0d0 auto:cdsdisk c4t0d0 dg1 online c4t3d0 auto:LVM - - LVM
c4t9d0 auto:LVM - - LVM
To change the default naming scheme to the Agile Device Naming Scheme, use the following command: