8 Removing Veritas 5.1 SP1 Products
This chapter discusses how to remove the Veritas 5.1 SP1 suite of products from an
This chapter addresses the following topics:
•“Removing VxVM” (page 68)
•“Removing VxFS” (page 70)
•“Removing CVM” (page 71)
•“Removing the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) Client” (page 71)
CAUTION: If VxVM 5.1 SP1 is installed on a system that contained earlier versions of VxVM previously, the earlier versions of VxVM will be removed from the system as part of the installation. Removing VxVM 5.1 SP1 later leaves the system without any versions of VxVM installed on it. Any existing VxVM volumes will be inaccessible after such removal. If a system relies on the VxVM volumes for reboot, the system may be left unbootable.
NOTE: You must remove the SMO bundles before VxFS and VxVM bundles.
Removing VxVM
VxVM 5.1 SP1 can be removed from systems only if the root disk is under HP Logical Volume Manager (LVM) control. If you try to remove VxVM 5.1 SP1 software from your system without completing the following steps, you will lose data and your system will be in an unusable state.
The following steps provide an overview of the VxVM removal procedure:
•Modify file systems and other applications that use volumes to use disks or LVM volumes.
•Remove copies of file systems to free up as much space as possible.
•Remove plexes, except one.
•Striped or spanned volumes must be moved to a single disk or to an appropriate LVM volume.
•Shut down VxVM.
This section addresses the following topics:
•“Moving VxVM Volumes to LVM Volumes” (page 68)
•“Removing Plexes” (page 69)
•“Shutting Down VxVM” (page 70)
•“Removing Full VxVM (B9116EB)” (page 70)
Moving VxVM Volumes to LVM Volumes
To move VxVM volumes to LVM, complete the following steps:
1.Evacuate as many disks as possible. Evacuation moves
•Using the vxdiskadm command with the Remove a disk option.
•Using the vxevac script.
68 Removing Veritas 5.1 SP1 Products