1.For each package that will be forwarded from a cluster client, add the following destination, filter and log lines to the
destination d_<clu1>_<pkg1> { file(“<fs>/packages/<clu1>_<pkg1>.log”); }; filter f_<clu1>_<pkg1> { program(<clu1>_<pkg1>.log); };
log { source(s_syslog_<type>);
filter(f_<clu1>_<pkg1>);destination(d_<clu1>_<pkg1>); flags(final);};
where <pkg1> is the package name, <clu1> is the package’s relocatable IP address that is forwarding this package log, <type> is either _tcp or _udp, depending on the log transport selected, and <fs> is the filesystem on the log consolidator where the consolidated logs will be stored.
2.If the log consolidator is a Serviceguard cluster, make sure to copy the edited /etc/
4.For each package that is deleted from a cluster client that is forwarding its package logs, delete the corresponding destination, filter and log lines from the /etc/
3.4Disabling Log Consolidation
The clog_wizard enables log consolidation configurations but does not have an unconfigure or deconfigure option. Thus you must disable a system from participating in log consolidation manually, using the following instructions for each system type to:
•Disable a standalone log consolidation system
•Disable a Serviceguard cluster log consolidation system
•Disable a standalone log forwarding client
•Disable a Serviceguard log forwarding client
3.4.1Disabling a Standalone Log Consolidation System
Perform the following steps to disable log consolidation:
1.If the local syslogs were being consolidated, or the UDP protocol was used, edit /etc/ rc.config.d/syslogd and change SYSLOGD_OPTS to remove
2.If the local syslogs were being consolidated, also edit the system’s /etc/syslog.conf file to remove the following lines:
mail.debug | @fully | qualified | hostname |
*.info;mail.none | @fully | qualified | hostname |
where fully qualified hostname is the fully qualified hostname of this system.
NOTE: A <tab> precedes each @ sign.
3.Stop and restart syslogd using the following commands:
#/sbin/init.d/syslogd stop
3.4 Disabling Log Consolidation 75