added and deleted, the DSAU consolidated logging tools will automatically take the appropriate configuration actions. Specifically:
•When adding a member to the cluster, the new member is automatically configured to participate in log consolidation according to the cluster’s configuration. The following files are automatically configured on the added member:
•When deleting a member from a cluster:
—The member is still configured as a
—The package logs on the deleted member are still monitored until a reboot. Since this member is no longer part of the cluster, the package logs will not be active.
•When adding or deleting a package, the following automated actions occur:
—The package is added to or deleted
—The clog_tail log monitor adds or deletes the package log file from its list of files to monitor. Message Loss During Failover
When there is a failure on the adoptive node, it takes a finite amount of time for the clog package to fail over to another cluster member. The longer this failover time, the more likely that messages could be lost from the consolidated log. Use the following guidelines to minimize message loss during failover.
•Configure clients to use the TCP transport instead of the UDP transport. UDP messages will be lost unconditionally when the package is down. The TCP protocol contains retry mechanisms, congestion control, and so on, that help minimize message loss.
•Serviceguard offers various configuration options to improve failover times such as HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL and NODE_TIMEOUT. Serviceguard Extension for Faster Failover (SGeFF) is also available to optimize failover times for
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