HP UX Serviceguard Storage Management Software manual Cluster File System Administration

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Cluster File System Administration

Cluster File System Administration


Cluster File System Administration

This section describes some of the major aspects of cluster file system administration and the ways that it differs from single-host VxFS administration.

Cluster File System Commands

The CFS commands are:

cfscluster—cluster configuration command

cfsmntadm—adds, deletes, modifies, and sets policy on cluster mounted file systems

cfsdgadm—adds or deletes shared disk groups to/from a cluster configuration

cfsmount/cfsumount—mounts/unmounts a cluster file system on a shared volume

Once disk group and mount point multi-node packages are created with HP Serviceguard, it is critical to use the CFS commands, including cfsdgadm, cfsmntadm, cfsmount, and cfsumount. If the HP-UX mount and umount commands are used, serious problems such as writing to the local file system, instead of the cluster file system, could occur. You must not use the HP-UXmount command to provide or remove access to a shared file system in a CFS environment (for example, mount -ocluster,dbed_chkptmount, or sfrac_chkptmount). These non-CFS commands could cause conflicts with subsequent CFS command operations on the file system or the Serviceguard packages. Use of HP-UX mount commands will not create an appropriate multi-node package, which means cluster packages will not be aware of file system changes. Instead, use the CFS commands - cfsmount or cfsumount.

The fsclustadm and fsadm commands are useful for configuring cluster file systems.


The fsclustadm command reports various attributes of a cluster file system. Using fsclustadm you can show and set the primary node in a cluster, translate node IDs to host names and vice versa, list all nodes that currently have a cluster mount of the specified file system mount point, and determine whether a mount is a local or cluster mount. The fsclustadm command operates from any node in a cluster on which the file system is mounted, and can control the location of the primary for a specified mount point.

See the fsclustadm(1M) manual page.


The fsadm command is designed to perform selected administration tasks on file systems. It can be invoked from a primary or secondary node. These tasks may differ between file system types. A special device file contains an unmounted file system. A special file system could be a directory, if it provides online administration capabilities. A directory must be the root of a mounted file system.

See the fsadm(1M) manual page.

Running commands safely in a cluster environment


Chapter 3

Image 34
Contents Second Edition Legal Notices Contents Cluster Volume Manager Administration TroubleshootingPrinting History Printing HistoryPage Technical Overview Cluster File System Failover Overview of Cluster File System ArchitectureCluster File System Design Group Lock ManagerCFS Supported Features Supported FeaturesVxFS Functionality on Cluster File Systems Unsupported Features CFS Unsupported FeaturesCFS Unsupported Features Advantages To Using CFS Benefits and ApplicationsWhen To Use CFS Benefits and Applications Chapter Cluster File System Architecture Cluster Communication Veritas Cluster Volume Manager FunctionalityRole of Component Products Membership PortsCluster File System and The Group Lock Manager About CFSAsymmetric Mounts Parallel I/O Primary and Secondary Mount OptionsCluster File System Backup Strategies Distributing Load on a Cluster Error Handling PolicySynchronizing Time on Cluster File Systems File System TuneablesAbout Veritas Cluster Volume Manager Functionality Example of a Four-Node ClusterPrivate and Shared Disk Groups Activation Modes for Shared Disk Groups Activation Modes for Shared Disk GroupsConnectivity Policy of Shared Disk Groups Allowed and conflicting activation modesLimitations of Shared Disk Groups About Veritas Cluster Volume Manager Functionality Chapter Cluster File System Administration Cluster File System Administration Cluster Messaging GAB Cluster Communication LLT Volume Manager Cluster Functionality Overview Cluster File System Overview Cluster and Shared MountsAsymmetric Mounts Cluster File System Administration Cluster File System CommandsFstab file Time Synchronization for Cluster File SystemsGrowing a Cluster File System Distributing the Load on a ClusterCluster File System Administration Performance Considerations Cluster Snapshot CharacteristicsSnapshots for Cluster File Systems Creating a Snapshot on a Cluster File System# cfsumount /mnt1snap Cluster Volume Manager Overview of Cluster Volume Management Example of a 4-Node Cluster Disk group activation mode restrictions Either of the write modes on other nodes will fail # cfsdgadm display Disk Group Failure Policy Behavior of Master Node for Different Failure PoliciesRecovery in a CVM Environment Troubleshooting Incorrect Permissions for Root on Remote System Installation IssuesInaccessible System Resource Temporarily UnavailableInstallation Issues Unmount Failures Cluster File System ProblemsMount Failures Performance Issues Command FailuresHigh Availability Issues Cluster File System Problems Appendix a