Table of Contents |
1 | 7 |
Patch management strategies | 7 |
How to get patches | 8 |
Where to start | 8 |
2 Quick start guide for patching | 9 |
Overview | 9 |
Before you begin | 9 |
Should you use standard | 9 |
Should you use individual patches? | 9 |
Standard | 10 |
Acquiring and installing standard | 10 |
Acquiring the bundles | 10 |
Installing the bundles | 11 |
Advanced topic: using Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) | 12 |
Acquiring and installing individual patches | 13 |
Acquiring the patches | 13 |
Installing the patches | 15 |
Advanced topic: using Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) | 16 |
3 | 17 |
17 | |
Patch identification | 17 |
17 | |
Patch bundles | 18 |
Software depots and patch depots | 18 |
Patch status | 19 |
Patch state | 19 |
State | 20 |
Category tags | 20 |
Which patches are on a system? | 21 |
Examples of the swlist command | 22 |
Ancestors and supersession | 25 |
Ancestors | 25 |
Advanced topic: determining patch ancestors | 25 |
Supersession | 26 |
Advanced topic: displaying supersession information | 27 |
Advanced topic: supersession and the patch_state attribute | 28 |
29 | |
Patch dependencies | 31 |
Types of dependencies | 31 |
Corequisites and prerequisites | 31 |
Advanced topic: determining corequisite and prerequisite filesets with the swlist |
command | 32 |
Enforced and unenforced (manual) dependencies | 32 |
Impact of dependencies on acquiring patches | 32 |
Patch rollback and commitment | 33 |
Patch rollback | 33 |
Advanced topic: patch installation and rollback files | 33 |
Patch commitment | 33 |
Advanced topic: patch cleanup utility | 34 |
34 |
Table of Contents | 3 |