| The patch match operation failed to find | patches for target | |
| software | on "my_system" which passed the | filter. |
| * Source: | /my_depots/a_depot | ||
| * | Targets: | my_system:/ |
| * | Software | selections: |
*Selection succeeded.
*Beginning Analysis and Execution
*Session selections have been saved in the file "/.sw/sessions/swinstall.last".
*The analysis phase succeeded for "my_system:/".
*The execution phase succeeded for "my_system:/".
*Analysis and Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the command "swjob
======= 05/03/04 14:23:38 MDT END swinstall SESSION
Installing products with patch dependencies from a depot
Set autoselect_patches=false when using swinstall for selection of applications on
Custom patch bundles
Although bundles are not directly related to depots, they can be helpful when you use them in combination with directory depots for patch management. Bundles allow you to group sets of related patches. A bundle can be more recognizable than a group of individual patches when located in a depot or installed on a system. For more information about bundles, see Chapter 3:
Creating your own custom bundles is not difficult; however, to use the method presented here, you must have
•Creating custom install configurations or golden images
•Creating custom recovery media
•Managing and monitoring multiple client installation sessions
NOTE: You can also use the
See Chapter 8: “Using HP-UX Software Assistant for patch management” (page 85).
For more information about
You can also visit the
You can use
80 Using software depots for patch management