3.Return to the selected patch list page by selecting the view selected patch list link located in the upper right corner of the patch details page. If any patches were noted in step 2 for other dependencies or special installation instructions, verify they are listed in the selected patch list. If not, you should add each one. To do this, select the add patches link.
•Enter your search criteria, including the patch ID for a search by patch ID, and then click search.
Patches returned by a search are shown on the search results page.
•You can choose to download one patch of your choice from each row of patches returned by the search. Keep in mind that you do not necessarily have to download the exact patch noted in step 2. There might be a better choice, such as a recommended patch that the search returned.
1.Select the checkbox next to the patch ID link.
2.Click the add to selected patch list button.
For example, if you choose to add patch PHKL_21549, the selected patch list is updated as shown in the following screen.
Advanced topic: checking for all patch dependencies 61