NOTE: This section only addresses finding individual patches, not finding firmware.
Key features
With the patch database, you can search for patches using a variety of criteria. Once the search returns the results, you can obtain information, including the following:
•Patch rating
•Patch that HP recommends, if any
•Most recent patch
•Patch warning, if any
•Supersession by another patch
•Supersession of other patches
•A patch details page containing comprehensive information about each patch returned
See Table
Accessing the patch database and finding an individual patch
1.Log in to the ITRC at http://itrc.hp.com.
You must log in to the appropriate site (Americas/Asia Pacific or European).
2.Select Patch database, then select
3.To find instructions, select the How would you like to search?, Search Criteria, or read our usage guide links.
4.Enter your search parameters, then click search.
Patches returned by a search are shown on the search results page. The following screen shows results from a patch database search for the patch PHKL_23183.
Table 6-1 Navigating the search results table
Term | Description |
description | Provides a terse patch description for the specified patch. |
specified | If you search for a specific patch it is displayed in the specified column, |
| which is only shown when a search is done for a specific patch ID. |
recommended | If there is an HP recommended patch, it appears in the recommended |
| column and might not be the patch you searched for. |
most recent | Shows the latest patch without a warning in the supersession chain. |
(hp rating) | Indicates the quality rating assigned to a patch. Three stars is the highest |
| rating assigned to any patch. The higher the rating, the lower the risk of |
| side effects and the more suitable the patch is for |
| environments. |
Patch Row | The patches shown in a row are the same or are related by supersession. |
56 Using the IT Resource Center |