3PAR Management
The options and arguments used for this command are described as follows:
■-ds <data_store>-vm <virtual_machine>
Creates a virtual copy on the specified <datastore> or <virtual_machine>. By default, a VM consistent virtual copy is created. The VM name (<virtual_machine>) must be
unique within vCenter server. The vCenter Server can manage multiple ESX hosts. The VM name should be unique across ESX hosts.
■-setname <virtual_copy_setname>
(Optional) Specifies that in addition to the virtual copy time stamp, the virtual copy set name can be used to personalize the identity of the virtual copy set. By default, the name is set to reflect the current time.
■-consistency <yes/no>
(Optional) Specifies whether or not (yes/no) the virtual copy is to maintain Virtual Machine application consistency with supported data formats. If this option is not specified, the default policy is applied.
■-vcserver <vCenter_server_name>
The name of the VMware vCenter Server name. This option is required.
■-vcuid <vCenter_server_userID>
The VMware vCenter server login user name. If this option is not used when the
■-vcpwd <vCenter_server_uesrPassword>
The VMware vCenter Server login password. This option is required unless
■-vcfile <vCenter_credential_store_file_location>
(Optional) The VMware credential store file location. For example, C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\VMware\credstore\vicredentials.xml.
NOTE: For VMware credential store file creation, refer to the VMware VI Toolkit and/or the VMware vSphere PowerCLI documentation, which can be found at http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/windowstoolkit/.
3PAR Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere