3PAR Management
3.2 Preinstallation Requirements and Dependencies
Prior to the installation of 3PAR Management
■Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere is distributed as a Microsoft installer MSI image,
RMVMware_<platform>.msi, where <platform> can be x86 for Windows 32 bit OS or x64 for Windows 64 bit OS.
■3PAR Management
■3PAR Management
NOTE: For full functionality and compatibility, it is recommended that you update to the latest versions of vCenter Server and ESX.
■Microsoft.NET 3.5 SP1 Runtime is required. Installation will fail if it is not present.
■The 3PAR Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere license and the 3PAR Virtual Copy license is required for virtual copy operation.
■The 3PAR Virtual Lock license is required for setting retention policies in virtual copy creation.
■You must have a minimum of Edit level privilege for virtual copy operations, and Browse level privilege for virtual volume operations.
■You must be an Administrator of the vCenter Server for
■The Microsoft utility httpcfg.exe is used by the Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere configuration tool TpdVmAdmin to set up secure communications (SSL) in Windows 2003.
NOTE: Silverlight is required only for the desktop. Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere server does not require Silverlight.
■Desktops running VI clients (where 3PAR Management
Preinstallation Requirements and Dependencies