3PAR Management
2.3.3 RMVMware Admin Tool
The RMVMware Admin Tool provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for administering Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere registration with the vCenter server. This tool also includes Host Explorer for VMware configuration and InServ credential management.
2.3.4 RMVMwareCLI
The RMVMware CLI module is the command line interface for Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere.
NOTE: The recommended method for creating virtual copies is through the Graphical User Interface (see Chapter 6, Working with Virtual Copies for complete details).
Two commands are provided through the CLI:
■RMVMware create
■RMVMware InServRegister RMVMware create Command
The RMVMware create command creates a virtual copy on a datastore or a virtual machine. The syntax for the RMVMware create command is as follows:
RMVMware Create
[-vcfile <vCenter_credential_store_file_location>]
-inserv <InServ_name>
-inservuid <InServ_userID> [-inservpwd <InServ_password>]
[-expiry <expiry_in_hrs>] [-retention <retention_in_hrs>]
3PAR Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere