HP StoreServ Application Suite for VMware Media manual Upgrading from a Previous Version

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3PAR Management Plug-In and Recovery Manager 2.1.0 for VMware vSphere User’s Guide

3.5 Upgrading from a Previous Version

When upgrading from a previous version, the installer detects whether a previous version is installed and then either performs a new install or an upgrade. Before upgrading from a previous version, consider the details provided in the following sections.

3.5.1 Using Secure Service Connections

When installing 3PAR Management Plug-In and Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere 2.1.0 over an existing installation, you must first make sure that the previous version uses secure service connections. If the previous version is using port 9930 (or any other unsecured port), use the Admin Tool to enable the secure service option for the older version before performing the upgrade. See Chapter 4 for details.

3.5.2 Refreshing Plug-in Details

When upgrading from a previous version, if you view plug-in details from the Plug-in Manger, the version information is not updated to reflect the latest version. To correct this, use the Plugin Registration option available through the RMVMware Admin Tool to unregister and then register the plug-in with the vCenter server (see 4.3.2 Plugin Registration on page 4.8 for


3.5.3 Updating CLI Scripts

Due to additional security requirements in the current version of the product, the CLI syntax has been modified to require the vcuid option when using the RMVMware create

command. if you have preexisting CLI scripts, you need to make sure they conform to the new CLI syntax used in the current version.


Upgrading from a Previous Version

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Contents 3PAR Inc Technology Drive Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A Reader Comments and Suggestions Table of Contents User Authentication 3PAR Views in the VI ClientAbout Virtual Copy Management Upgrading from a Previous VersionOverview RMVMware Admin Tool Viewing Virtual Volume MappingRefreshing Virtual Volume Information InServ Credential TabIX Index RH Revision History Introduction AudienceRelated Documents OrganizationTypographical Conventions Advisories Overview Page Virtual Volume Details 3PAR Management Plug-In for VMware vCenter3PAR Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere TpdVmWebServiceRMWebAccess Library RMVMware Admin Tool RMVMwareCLIVcserver vCenterservername InServ Storage Server user’s login name Inserv InServnameRMVMware InServRegister Command User Authentication Removes a registered InServ Storage Server’s configurationInServ Storage Server Login 3PAR Views in the VI Client 3PAR Views in the VI Client Datastore View Selecting DatastoresViewing Datastores in the Navigation Tree Virtual Machine View Selecting VMs and TemplatesViewing VMs in the Navigation Tree ESX Host View Selecting Hosts and Clusters10.Viewing Hosts in the Navigation Tree Cluster View 12.Viewing Clusters in the Navigation Tree13.Viewing Virtual Volumes for a Cluster Datacenter View14.Viewing Datacenters in the Navigation Tree About Virtual Copy Management Virtual Copy Data ConsistencyVirtual Copy Policy Datastore Virtual CopiesVirtual Machine Virtual Copies Virtual Copy Browser 16.Virtual Copy BrowserVmfs Snapshots Host Explorer Scheduling ToolAbout Virtual Copy Management Installation, Registration, and Deinstallation Supported PlatformsPreinstallation Requirements and Dependencies Open Explorer and go to ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA Select the Security tab Security Tab dialog appears -2 on MachineKeys Properties DialogClick OK You can now proceed with the installation RMVMwarex86.msi RMVMwarex64.msiPage Plug-in Registration Dialog Page 1aa2 4d9f7cc5340516e29b13160b556b175ec99 Using Secure Service Connections Upgrading from a Previous VersionRefreshing Plug-in Details Updating CLI ScriptsUsing the Admin Tool to Modify Configuration Settings Overview RMVMware Admin Tool Admin Tool menu is shown in FigureVCenter Plug-in Tab VCenter Plug-in Configuration VCenter Plug-in TabVCenter Plug-in Configuration Network host of the server where 3PAR Management Plug-In and Recovery ManagerFor VMware vSphere is installed. The vCenter Using the 3PAR plug-in must be able to reachPlugin Registration Click OK Click Save to save your changesPlug-in Registration VCenter Status Host Explorer Tab VCenter Status OptionHost Explorer Configuration Host Explorer Configuration OptionInServ Mapping Host Explorer InServ Mapping Option VCenter Mapping Map Registered3PAR InServ Storage Server Credentials10.Host Explorer vCenter Mapping InServ Credential Tab 11.Map Registered vCenter Server Credentials Dialog12.InServ Credential Tab 13.InServ Credential Management Dialog InServ Credential Tab Logging In and Viewing Virtual Volume Mapping To enable the display of secure and non secure content LoggingClick OK Virtual Center Home Viewing Virtual Volume Mapping Connecting to an InServ Storage ServerHome Selecting a Datastore Viewing Volume Information Viewing Virtual Volume InformationUpper Pane Filtering Viewing Virtual Volume Mapping Lower Pane 10.Viewing Details Refreshing Virtual Volume Information 13.Refreshing Virtual Volume InformationRefreshing Virtual Volume Information Working with Virtual Copies Viewing Virtual Copy Information Click the Virtual Copies tabViewing a Mounted Virtual Copy Set Viewing Virtual Copy Event Logs Viewing a Missing Virtual Copy SetCreating New Virtual Copies Creating a Virtual Copy Mounting Virtual Copies Confirm dialog box appears Selecting a Mount Type10.Confirming Virtual Copy Mount Unmounting Virtual Copies Click Unmount... and then select the hostRestoring Datastores by Promoting a Virtual Copy 13.Selecting the Host15.Promoting a Virtual Copy Deleting a Virtual Copy 16.Confirming Virtual Copy PromotionClick OK Virtual copy deletion task is submitted and started Modifying Virtual Copy Policies Virtual copy is then removed from the Virtual Copy Set listClick Policy Policy dialog appears 21.Policy Options Modifying Virtual Copy Policies 23.Virtual Copy Set Retention Option Scheduling Virtual Copies Click Schedule. The Schedule List dialog -25appears26.Select Schedule Type Dialog 27.Weekly Schedule Task 29.Virtual Copy Configuration Dialog 30.Schedule Task Summary Dialog 31.Successful Creation of Scheduled Task Dialog Restoring Virtual Disks and Guest OS Files and Directories Restoring a Virtual Disk33.The Virtual Disk Grid Copying operation is initiated 34.Selecting the Virtual DiskRestoring a Guest OS File or Directory from a Virtual Copy 36.Initiating the Copy OperationWhen prompted for confirmation, click OK 38.Confirming the Mount OperationUnmount commences 41.Confirming the Unmount OperationThis case, you can choose whether to continue or not 43.Virtual Machine MessageRestoring Virtual Disks and Guest OS Files and Directories Index IX.2 Accessing CreatingDisplay LoggingIX.4 Revision History RH.2