6 | share images (print, |
use hp photo & imaging gallery
Once the image is stored in the HP Photo & Imaging Gallery you can use the Gallery to edit, print, rename the image, share the image, and other actions. For a full description of what you can do, see the HP Photo & Imaging software Help. This section gives an overview of some of the things you can do.
Task | How to use the software | Where to go for instructions |
Edit the image | Use the buttons or menus in the HP Photo & | See the HP Photo & Imaging |
(for example, cut | Imaging Gallery to rotate the image, start the | software Help. |
or crop | Image Editor, or print the image. The Image |
| Editor lets you cut, crop, copy, sharpen, |
| eliminate red eye, add text, or change color on |
| the image. |
| For example, to crop an image in Windows: |
| select the image and click on the Image Editor |
| button. In the resulting editor, click on Crop |
| and select the area you want to crop. Double- |
| click on the cropped image to save it. |
Share the image | Use the buttons or menus in the HP Photo & | See the appropriate sections |
Imaging Gallery to send the image in | in this chapter for information | |
Web) | upload the image to the Web, or print the | and the HP Photo & Imaging |
| image. | software Help. |
Archive images | Use the Memories Disc button to save selected | See the HP Photo & Imaging |
| images onto CD. | software Help. |
Organize | Use the HP Photo & Imaging Gallery to move | See the HP Photo & Imaging |
images | images into other folders or to rename files. | software Help. |
Merge multiple | Use the Panorama Maker software included on | See scan photos larger than |
images | the HP Photo & Imaging CD to merge pieces of | 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inches) on |
| a large photo. | page 25, or the Panorama |
| Maker software help. |
print an image
Note: This procedure uses the HP Photo & Imaging software. If you do not have access to the HP Photo & Imaging software, see using other software on page 23.
There are multiple ways to print a image.