The HP POD 240a represents a new approach to data center. Combining IT, cooling, and power infrastructures in a self- contained modular unit minimizes the data center footprint. The POD 240a packs the equivalent of a 10,000 square foot traditional facility into an area only 24 feet wide and 45 feet long. This 90% reduction of space yields several immediate benefits:
•Up to 75% in CAPEX savings over traditional facilities
•No disruption of existing facility and operation
•Environmentally friendly solution that substantially reduces the amount of concrete required and significantly lowers the carbon footprint
•Enhanced serviceability by deploying more IT equipment in a smaller area
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of the ITE area within an HP POD 240a module. The module contains two rows of full- depth, 50U, 19-inch ITE racks with a 39.5-inch cold aisle in front of each row and a common 8-foot wide hot aisle. Unlike many traditional facilities in which air exhausted from the equipment mixes freely with cold air, the HP POD 240a uses isolation baffles to separate cold and hot air flow. This layout gives you the full ITE serviceability of a traditional data facility combined with the highly efficient closed-loop cooling of a customized module.
Figure 2: Shown below is the cross-section of an un-configured HP POD 240a ITE area.
Primary | Isolation | Common | Isolation | Secondary |
cold aisle | baffle | hot aisle | baffle | cold aisle |