4.5.3 Firmware
Your router’s “firmware” is the software that allows it to operate and provides all its functionality. Think of your router as a dedicated computer, and the firmware as the software it runs. Over time this software may be improved and modified, and your router allows you to upgrade the software it runs to take advantage of these changes.
To upgrade the firmware of router, you should download or copy the firmware to your local environment first. Press the “Browse…” butto n to specify the path of the firmware file. Then, click “Upgrade” to start upgrading. When the procedure is completed, router will reset automatically to make the new firmware work.
New Firmware Location: Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse to find it.
Browse: Click Browse... to find the .ras file you want to upload. Remember that you must decompress compressed (.zip) files before you can upload them.
UPGRADE: Click UPGRADE to begin the upload process. This process may take up to two minutes.
After two minutes, log in again and check your new firmware version in the System Status screen.
If the upload was not successful, the following screen will appear. Click Back to go back to the Firmware screen.
DO NOT power down the router or interrupt the firmware upgrading while it is still in process. Improper operation could damage the router.