SmartShare® User Manual
System menu
Download Firmware
The SmartShare firmware can be upgraded from the firmware server at SmartShare Systems or any other firmware server. Firmware upgrade is a two step process. First, enter the URL of the firmware to be downloaded, and click the Download Firmware button. Second, when the firmware has been downloaded, checked for validity and is ready for installation, you can choose to cancel the upgrade or to proceed with the installation of the downloaded firmware.
Install License Key
Features of the SmartShare can be changed by installing different license keys. Enter the new license key and click the Install New License button. After the license key has been validated the SmartShare must be rebooted to activate the new feature set.
Trial Mode
If a trial license is installed, the SmartShare can operate in a trial mode where the model type and optional features can be changed. This can be used for demo or test purposes.
An ongoing trial can be stopped at any time, and the SmartShare will revert to normal operation.
As long as there is trial time remaining, new trials can be started.
When the trial expires, the SmartShare will reboot and revert to normal operation. The available trial time is controlled by the installed license, and additional trial time can be installed with additional licenses.
Restore Factory Defaults
Press this button if you wish to restore the factory default configuration.
Reboot System
Press this button if you wish to reboot the SmartShare. Rebooting the system does not clear the configuration.
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