Locating Shared Memory Using HP VISA
For HP VISA programs, the E8491A shared memory starting address is obtained using the function:
and the VXI interface attribute:
The HP VISA version of the example “Storing Readings in Shared Memory” demonstrates the use of this function and attribute.
Locating Shared Memory Using SICL
For SICL programs, the E8491A shared memory starting address is found using the function:
This function fills the structure struct vxiinfo. The item within the structure containing the starting address is memstart. The SICL version of the example program showing the use of shared memory demonstrates the use of this function and structure.
Locating Shared Memory by Viewing the Resource Manager Output
The third method of determining the E8491A’s shared memory starting address is to view the resource manager output. “Viewing the Resource Manager Output” in Chapter 2 describes how this is done using the ‘I_O Config’ utility. Figure
Another way to view the output is using the SICL ivxisc utility contained in the <drive:>\siclnt\bin or sicl95\bin directory. This utility is an executable that is used with the SICL logical unit number (see “Editing the HP E8491A Configuration” in Chapter 2) to return the configuration output of the resource manager. Again, Figure
Note Refer to Appendix B for additional information on using ivxisc and for an example of the complete configuration output.
48 VXI Programming Using the IEEE 1394 Serial Bus | Chapter 3 |