light emltting diode
A smaUlight emitting device used to provide status information.
Megabits per second (l,OOO,OOObits per second).
medium, media
The tmnsmission connection between nodes. Most current I&k use cables (fiberoptic or copper), although radio and other broadcast media are possible.
Small Computer System Interface, often pronounced “skuzzy”.
SCSI address
The binary representation of the unique address (0 to 15) assigned to each device and adapter on the SCSIbus. For bus arbitration the order of priority with highest first is: 7,6, 5,4,3,2,1,0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10,9,8. SCSIaddresses are typicahy assigned during installation. The SCSI adapter is typically assigned address “7”.
46 Glossary