Peripheral Device Connections
When connecting SCSIdevices, follow these guidelines:
Verify the host computer system is shut down. There should be no data transfer activity on the SCSIbus.
Verify power is off to the peripheral device before connecting it to the SCSI bus.
Check whether your devices contain internal SCSIbus terminators or require special terminates. If so, refer to your device manuals for instructions on how to prevent excessive or improper SCSIbus termination.
Set switches or jumpers on your device(s) as appropriate. Be sure each SCSI device has a unique SCSIaddress. Remember the default address of the SCSI adapter is 7.
If a device other than the adapter also supplies termination power, its optimal location is at the end of the SCSIbus. However, devices that supply termination power can be distributed anywhere along the bus.
Do not exceed the maximum SCSIbus length of 25 meters. This includes any bus Iengths internal to peripheral devices. Refer to peripheral device or system configuration manuals for internal device lengths.
Do not exceed the maximum number of devices supported. (The differential SCSIbus can support 16devices including the SCSIadapter; however, only 7 SCSICascadeArrays can be connected. Note that SCSICascadeArrays are only supported on HSC for the HP 9000 Series 700 on NIO adapters.)