HP L1510 15” LCD Monitor
The picture is not centered:
•Adjust your monitor using the Automatic Adjustment function (refer to “Auto Adjustment” on page 16).
All documents are also available on HP Monitors support web site at:
LCD Monitor Quality and Pixel Policy
A pixel consists of one red, one green and one blue
Defective means either the pixel or
A dot defect is a stuck
Your HP D5062A will not have more than:
•10 total dot defects
•8 stuck full pixels
•8 stuck red
•5 stuck green
•8 stuck blue
•No more than two adjacent pixels may be stuck Adjacent is defined as less than 15mm edge to edge
•No more than two pairs of
To locate defective pixels, the unit should be viewed under normal operating conditions and in normal operating mode at a supported resolution and refresh rate, from a distance of approximately 50cm (16 in.).
HP expects that over time, the industry will continue to improve its ability to produce displays with fewer cosmetic imperfections and HP will adjust our guidelines as improvements are made.
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