About this guide
Welcome to the Pay Per Use (PPU) User’s Guide for versions B.06.x. HP’s pay per use (PPU) B.06.x software product provides you cost savings by charging for only the percent utilization of the processors in your HP enterprise server. As your computing demands vary, you are charged according to the processor usage. The PPU software product is a part of the HP On Demand Solutions (ODS) program.
PPU versions B.06.00, B.06.01, B.06.02, B.06.03, and B.06.04 are encompassed in references to “versions B.06.x” in this document.
This user’s guide provides you with the most recent information on using the PPU versions B.06.x software.
How to Use this Guide
•Chapter 1, About this Guide provides an introduction to the guide, an overview of the PPU system, and locating PPU documentation.
•Chapter 2, Understanding PPU Requirements describes PPU: program, software, and system move requirements.
•Chapter 3, Installing and Configuring PPU Software contains a Getting Started section to help you verify your PPU system is correctly installed and configured, and corrective actions to take if it is not. This chapter also has instructions on how to install, configure,
•Chapter 4, Using the PPU Software explains the PPU web portal, PPU usage reports, utilization capping, and what to do when creating a new partition.
•Chapter 5, Troubleshooting gives you a step by step procedure to resolve problems with the PPU software.
•Chapter 6, Frequently Asked Questions contains questions and answers to common PPU software topics.
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