Watchdog Timer Setting
This watchdog timer is using Super I/O Winbond W83627EHG pin 77 WDTO# pin to system reset.
Setup Procedure
1. Enter super I/O configuration mode
mov | dx, 02eh |
mov | al, 087h |
out | dx, al |
out | dx, al |
2. Set pin 77 to WDTO# function
mov | dx,02eh |
mov | al,02Dh | ;;;Register 2Dh |
out | dx,al |
inc | dx |
in | al,dx |
and | al,0FEh | ;Config Bit 0 As 0 |
out | dx,al | ;Config PIN 77 as WDTO# |
3. Select Logical Device 8 |
| |
mov | dx, 02eh |
mov | al, 07h |
out | dx, al | ;point to Logical Device Number Register |
inc | dx |
mov | al, 08h | ;select Logical Device 8 |
out | dx, al |
4.Enable watchdog timer
;Activate WDTO#