Samsung SCC-C6403P manual

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Part : AB68-00572A(00)

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Contents SCC-C6403P Important Safety Instructions FCC Statement Before Usage Chapter Locations of Control Adapter Connection Initial Setting Camera Address SetupBefore Installing Preparing the Cables Installing SCC-C6403P Installing the Camera Setup Menu Overv iew Structure of the Setup Menu Camera SET Menu SyncCamera ID COLOR/BW Motion DETDigital Zoom Zoom SpeedIris Video SET MenuExit ALCShutter AGCMotion White BAL DISPreset Focus ModeZone SET Location Zone EnableZone Area Zone ID SETSpeed Auto SETAuto PAN Dwell TimeScan Auto PlayAuto Return Play NumberAlarm SET Other SETSystem Info Short Keys Function KeyProduct specifications SCC-C6403P ‡‚Ë· ÚÂıÌËÍË ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË ‰ÛÔÂʉÂÌËÂÈÂ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËË É·‚‡ 2. ìÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ SCC-C6403P. Ç ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ „·‚ÂÉÎ ‡‚‡ 1 . ä  ‡Ú ÍËÈ Ó·ÁÓ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï  ˚ S C C C640 3P Á̇ÍÓÏÒÚ‚Ó Ò ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂÓÈ SCC-C6403P ‡ÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ SCC-C6403PÈéÑäãûóÖçàü ä èãÄíÖ èÖêÖïéÑçàäÄ È·ڇ ÔÂÂıÓ‰ÌË͇ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ SCC-C6403PÀëïéÑçõÖ ìëíÄçéÇäà ÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ÓÍÓ̘ÌÓÈ Ì‡„ÛÁÍË Îëìëë Ò‚flÁË RS-422Ä/RS-485ÈÂ‰ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍÓÈ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ É·‚‡ 2 . ì ÒÚ‡ Ì Ó‚Í‡ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ Ï  ˚ SCC -C6403 PVideo OUT ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ ‡ÚflÌËÚ ‚ËÌÚ˚ Íîâïï Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ÓÚ‚ÂÚÍËËÓ‰ËÌËÚ ‡Á˙ÂÏ ‰ËÒڇ̈ËÓÌÌÓ„Ó ÄêéçòíÖâç Ñãü ìëíÄçéÇäà ÇàÑÖéäÄåÖêõ çÄ èéíéãäÖ SBR-100DCM ÔóúóîíâÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ ‚ Ôóúóîíâ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂÛ ‚ÎÂ‚Ó Ë·ÎËÁËÚÂθÌÓ Ì‡ ‚ÒڇΠ̇ ÏâòúóËÚÛÍÚÛ‡ ÏÂÌ˛ ̇ÒÚÓÂÍ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ Display P/TEnter ÔÂÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÚÓ͇COLOR/BW ñÇÖíçéÖ/óÖêçé-ÅÖãéÖ Motion DET ÑET ÑBàÜEHàüÀÒÔÓθÁÛÈÚ Í·‚Ë¯Ë Ç΂Ó, ÇÔ‡‚Ó, Ç‚Âı, Çìëá Display Zoom ìBEãàóEHàü àáO·PAÜEHàüDisplay P/T èAHOPAMàPOBAHàE/HAKãOH àáO·PAÜEHàü Quit ÇõïéÑ ÅÖá ëéïêÄçÖçàü ÅÖçû Video SET çÄëíêéâäà ÇàÑÖéExit ÇõïéÑ Iris ÑàÄîêÄÉåÄAGC ÄÇíéåÄíàóÖëäÄü êÖÉìãàêéÇäÄ ìëàãÖçàü Motion ÑÇàÜÖçàÖWhite BAL ÅÄãÄçë ÅÖãéÉé ÉÓÎÛ·Ó Ì·ӷ˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ ÙÓÍÛÒËÓ‚ÍÛ ÒΉÛÂÚ Ì‡ÒÚ‡Ë‚‡Ú¸ ‚Û˜ÌÛ˛ Preset èêÖÑìëíÄçéÇäć‡ÏÂÚÓ‚ Ì‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌËÚ¸ ‚Û˜ÌÛ˛ ‡Î˛ÁË Ë ‰Û„Ë ӷ˙ÂÍÚ˚ Ò „ÓËÁÓÌڇθÌ˚ÏË ÔÓÎÓÒ‡ÏËPosition SET ìëíÄçéÇäÄ èéáàñàà Preset Speed èêÖÑìëíÄçéÇäÄ ëäéêéëíàZone SET ìëíÄçéÇäÄ áéçõ Video SET çÄëíêéâäà ÇàÑÖé‡ÒÚÓÂÍ ‡ÒÚÓÈ͡ÊÏËÚ ‡ÊÏËÚ EnterSpeed ëäéêéëíú ÌëíÄçéÇäÄ ÄÇíéåÄíàóÖëäéÉé êÖÜàåÄPattern òÄÅãéç Position SETìëíÄçéÇäÄ èéáàñààPlay Number çéåÖê òÄÉÄ èêéÉêÄååõ ÇÄëíêéâäÄ íêÖÇéÜçéâ ëàÉçÄãàáÄñàà Other SET ÑêìÉàÖ ìëíÄçéÇäàLanguage üáõä Password èÄêéãúSystem Info àçîéêåÄñàü é ëàëíÖåÖ ÈÓ ÛÏÓΘ‡Ì˲ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ Ô‡ÓθÄãÄÇàòà ÅõëíêéÉé ÇõáéÇÄ ÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Ä·‚˯‡ÍÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍË ı‡‡ÍÚÂËÒÚËÍË ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ SCC-C6403PInstrukcja obs∏ugi PL Instrukcje bezpieczeƒstwa Ostrze˝eniaUwaga Przed rozpocz´ciem u˝ywania Spis treÊciOzdzia∏ 1 SCC-C6403P Przeglàd Umiejscowienie elementów sterowania Wprowadzenie do kamery SCC-C6403PPOD¸ÑCZENIA Adaptera Ustawienia Poczñtkowe Ustawienia zakoƒczenia RS-422A/RS-485Przed rozpocz´ciem instalacji Sprawdzenie zawartoÊci opakowaniaPrzygotowanie kabli Pod∏àczanie kabli Kabel adaptera zasilaniaKabel Video Instalacja SCC-C6403P Ostrze˝enia bezpieczeƒstwa podczas instalacjiProdukty instalacyjne sprzedawane oddzielnie Instalacja kamery Adapter Mocowania Sufitowego SADT-100CMAdapter Mocowania NA Maszcie SADT-100PM Rozdzia∏ 3 Przeglàd zawartoÊci menu KopuleStruktura menu ustawieƒ poczàtkowych Numer identyfikacyjny kamery Camera ID Znaki ... oznaczajà obecnoÊç submenu w danym menuAuto Wybór kolor/czarno-bia∏y COLOR/BWDetekcja Ruchu Motion DET PoziomZoom Cyfrowy SzybkoÊç zmiany ogniskowej Zoom SpeedPrzys∏ona Iris WyjÊcie ExitMenu Automatyka kontroli oÊwietlenia ALCMigawka Automatyka optymalizacji obrazu AGCAGC/RUCH Balans Bieli Cyfrowa stabilizacja obrazu DISTryb Ustawiania Ostroâci SpecjalneDETAILSZCZEGÓ¸Y Preset Ustawienia Kierunku StrefyWyjÊcie Exit Ustawienia Numeru ID Strefy Ustawienia Obszaru StrefyLokalizacja ¸ÑCZENIE StrefyCzasu Wyâwiet Automatyka ruchów Auto PANSZYBKOÂå Sterowanie R¢CZNE PatternAutopowrot Auto Return Autoodtwarzanie Auto PlaySkanowanie Scan Numer OdtwarzaniaUstawienia Automatyki Ustawienia Alarmu WejâciaUstawienia Alarmu Wyjâcia Proporcjonalne Ustawienie OBROTU/POK¸ONUAutomatyczna Kalibracja Przywrócenie Preset Fabrycznych CAM ResetTurbo P/T Auto FlipPrzyciski Skrótów Ustawienia KAMERY…Dane techniczne produktu
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SCC-C6403P specifications

The Samsung SCC-C6403P is a high-performance CCTV camera designed to meet the surveillance needs of a variety of environments, including commercial spaces, residential areas, and industrial sites. This model is renowned for its exceptional image quality, robust construction, and advanced features that ensure reliable monitoring and security.

One of the standout features of the SCC-C6403P is its superior image resolution. With a robust sensor that offers high-definition video capture, this camera provides clear and detailed images, even in low-light conditions. The integration of a 1/3" CCD sensor enhances the camera's capability to capture intricate details, which is vital for effective surveillance. This feature is particularly beneficial in scenarios requiring the identification of individuals or objects.

Another significant characteristic of the SCC-C6403P is its advanced low-light performance. Equipped with enhanced infrared capabilities, the camera can capture footage in complete darkness, offering peace of mind for users who require 24/7 monitoring. This is achieved through an automatic IR cut filter, which switches between day and night modes seamlessly, ensuring consistent performance despite varying light conditions.

The camera also boasts a robust housing design that is both weather-resistant and durable. With an IP66 rating, the SCC-C6403P can withstand harsh outdoor conditions, including heavy rain and dust infiltration. This durability makes it an ideal choice for a range of installations, from outdoor parking lots to indoor commercial facilities.

In terms of connectivity, the Samsung SCC-C6403P is equipped with versatile options to facilitate easy integration into existing surveillance systems. It supports various connection protocols and is compatible with several video management systems, providing flexibility and scalability for future expansions.

Furthermore, the camera features advanced motion detection technology, allowing it to differentiate between human movement and other forms of motion. This capability significantly reduces false alarms, ensuring that users are alerted only to genuine security threats.

In conclusion, the Samsung SCC-C6403P is a robust surveillance solution that combines high-definition video, advanced low-light performance, and durable construction. Its versatile connectivity and intelligent features make it a reliable choice for businesses and homeowners alike, ensuring comprehensive security and peace of mind in any environment.