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Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care

Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries or damage to your camera.

Never place batteries or cameras on or in heating devices, such as microwave ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated.


Handle and store your camera carefully and sensibly

Do not allow your camera to get wet—liquids can cause serious damage. Do not handle your camera with wet hands. Water damage to your camera can void your manufacturer’s warranty.

Avoid using or storing your camera in dusty, dirty, humid, or poorly-ventilated areas to prevent damage to moving parts and internal components.

Exercise caution when connecting cables or adapters and installing batteries and memory cards. Forcing the connectors, improperly connecting cables, or improperly installing batteries and memory cards can damage ports, connectors, and accessories.

Do not insert foreign objects into any of your camera’s compartments, slots, or access points. This type of damage may not be covered by your warranty.

Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage

Avoid exposing batteries or memory cards to very cold or very hot temperatures (below 0° C/32° F or above 40° C/104° F). Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity of your batteries and can cause memory cards to malfunction.

Prevent memory cards from making contact with liquids, dirt, or foreign substances. If dirty, wipe the memory card clean with a soft cloth before inserting in your camera.


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Contents Quick Start Manual Health and safety information ContentsEnglish Camera layout Setting up your camera Optional accessoriesUnpacking With Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the batterySelecting options Turning on your cameraCapturing photos or videos Taking a photoRecording a video Playing files Viewing photosViewing videos Turn on the camera Disconnecting safely for Windows XPTransferring files to a PC Windows Connect the camera to the PC with the USB cableSpecifications Warnungen InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit Technische Daten………………Achtung Aufbau der Kamera Inbetriebnahme der Kamera AuspackenOptionales Zubehör Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzen Akku aufladen Samsung-LogoNach unten Weisend Optionen auswählen Kamera einschaltenVideo aufzeichnen FotografierenVideos anzeigen Dateien wiedergebenFotos anzeigen Drücken Sie PSicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XP Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenTechnische Daten Assemblage de votre Appareil photo… ……………… SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité Informations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité… ……Français Présentation de lappareil photo Accessoires en option Assemblage de votre appareil photoContenu du coffret Assemblage de votre appareil photo Sélection des options Mise en route de lappareilPrise de vues photo ou vidéo Prise de vuesFilmer une séquence vidéo Affichage des vidéos Lecture de fichiersVisionner des photos Appuyez sur PDébranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XP Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsCaractéristiques Advertencias ContenidoInformación sobre salud y seguridad Especificaciones… ……………Precauciones Diseño de la cámara Configuración de la cámara DesembalajeAccesorios opcionales Con los contactos de color dorado hacia arriba Cargue la pila antes de utilizar la cámaraEncender la cámara Selección de opcionesEn el modo de disparo, pulse m Grabar un vídeo Tomar una fotografíaGire el selector de modos hasta a Alinee el sujeto en el marcoVer vídeos Reproducción de archivosVer fotografías Pulse PTransferencia de archivos a un ordenador para Windows Conecte la cámara a su PC con el cable USBDesconectarse de manera segura para Windows XP Especificaciones Trasferimento di file ad ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza Informazioni sulla salute e La sicurezza… …………………Attenzione Layout fotocamera Accessori opzionali Preparazione della fotocameraApertura dellimballaggio Con i contatti dorati rivolti verso lalto Preparazione della fotocameraSelezione delle opzioni Come accendere la fotocameraRegistrazione di un video Cattura di foto o videoScattare una foto Allineate il soggetto al riquadroRiproduzione di file Visualizzazione delle fotografieVisualizzazione dei video Trasferimento di file ad un PC Windows Disconnessione sicura per Windows XPAccendete la fotocamera Specifiche Waarschuwingen InhoudsopgaveInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid Informatie over gezondheidVoorzichtig Camera-indeling Optionele accessoires Uw camera gereedmaken voor gebruikUitpakken De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen De batterij opladen Het SamsungDe goudkleurige contactpunten wijzen naar boven Opties selecteren De camera inschakelenKadreer het onderwerp Foto’s en videos makenEen foto nemen Draai de modusdraaiknop naar aVideos bekijken Bestanden afspelenFotos weergeven Druk op PSchakel de camera Bestanden overzetten naar een pc WindowsSluit de camera met de USB-kabel aan op de pc Veilig loskoppelen voor Windows XPSpecificaties Especificações………………… Layout da câmera… ………… Configurando sua câmera… …Sumário Informações de saúde e segurançaCuidados Layout da câmera Configurando sua câmera DesembalandoAcessórios opcionais Configurando sua câmera Selecionando opções Ligando a câmeraAlinhe o objeto no quadro Capturando fotos ou vídeosTirando uma foto Gire o disco de seleção de modo para aReproduzindo arquivos Exibindo fotosExibindo vídeos Transferindo arquivos para um PC Windows Desconectando com segurançaWindows XP PT-11 EspecificaçõesPage Page AD68-03955A
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