Samsung EC-PL90ZZBPEE1, EC-PL200ZBPRE1 Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage

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Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care

Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries or damage to your camera.

Never place batteries or cameras on or in heating devices, such as microwave ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated.


Handle and store your camera carefully and sensibly

Do not allow your camera to get wet—liquids can cause serious damage. Do not handle your camera with wet hands. Water damage to your camera can void your manufacturer’s warranty.

Avoid using or storing your camera in dusty, dirty, humid, or poorly-ventilated areas to prevent damage to moving parts and internal components.

Exercise caution when connecting cables or adapters and installing batteries and memory cards. Forcing the connectors, improperly connecting cables, or improperly installing batteries and memory cards can damage ports, connectors, and accessories.

Do not insert foreign objects into any of your camera’s compartments, slots, or access points. This type of damage may not be covered by your warranty.

Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage

Avoid exposing batteries or memory cards to very cold or very hot temperatures (below 0° C/32° F or above 40° C/104° F). Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity of your batteries and can cause memory cards to malfunction.

Prevent memory cards from making contact with liquids, dirt, or foreign substances. If dirty, wipe the memory card clean with a soft cloth before inserting in your camera.



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Contents Quick Start Manual Contents Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage Camera layout Unpacking Optional accessoriesRemoving the battery Inserting the battery and memory cardPress To confirm the highlighted option or Menu Charging the batteryIndicator light Red Charging Green Fully charged Selecting optionsRecording a video Use the following buttons to control playback Viewing photosPress Viewing videosSelect the files you want and drag or save them to the PC Disconnecting safely for Windows XPConnect the camera to the PC with the USB Cable Turn on the cameraImage sensor Lens Display Focusing Shutter speed Storage SpecificationsGesundheit… ………………… Aufbau der Kamera… ……… InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit DE-2Achtung DE-3DE-4 Aufbau der KameraOptionales Zubehör Inbetriebnahme der KameraDE-5 AuspackenWeisend DE-6Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzen Akku entnehmenDE-7 Akku aufladenOptionen auswählen Fotos und Videos aufnehmen DE-8Video aufzeichnen Fotos anzeigen SymbolenDateien wiedergeben DE-9Sicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XP Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenDE-10 → Wechseldatenträger → Dcim →DE-11 Technische DatenInformations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité……… SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité FR-2FR-3 Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soinsProtégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire FR-4 Présentation de lappareil photoContenu du coffret Accessoires en optionAssemblage de votre appareil photo FR-5Vers le haut FR-6Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoire Retrait de la batterie Retrait de la carte mémoireAtteindre une option ou un menu En mode Prise de vue, appuyez surFR-7 Chargement de la batterieFR-8 Prise de vues photo ou vidéoAppuyez sur Lecture de fichiersFR-9 Appuyez sur Ou sur pour parcourir Les fichiersDébranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XP Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsFR-10 SaffichentFR-11 CaractéristiquesReproducción de archivos…… ContenidoInformación sobre salud y seguridad ES-2Utilice y guarde la cámara con cuidado y de manera prudente ES-3Utilice y deseche las baterías y los cargadores con cuidado PrecaucionesES-4 Diseño de la cámaraAccesorios opcionales Configuración de la cámaraES-5 DesembalajeColor dorado hacia ES-6Insertar la batería y la tarjeta de memoria Quitar la batería Quitar la tarjeta de memoriaPulse Para confirmar la opción o el menú Resaltados ES-7Cargar la batería Cargue la batería antes de utilizar la cámaraCaptura de fotografías o vídeos ES-8Grabar un vídeo Pulse Para desplazarse por los Archivos Reproducción de archivosES-9 Ver fotografíasPara Windows XP ES-10Peso Batería recargable DimensionesEspecificaciones ES-11Specifiche…………………… ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza IT-2Attenzione IT-3Layout fotocamera IT-4Tasto Otturatore o meglio definito tasto di scatto Apertura dellimballaggio Accessori opzionaliPreparazione della fotocamera IT-5Con il logo Samsung IT-6Inserimento della batteria e della scheda di memoria Rivolti verso laltoSpia indicatrice IT-7Come caricare la batteria Premete Per confermare lopzione o il Menu evidenziatoCattura di foto o video IT-8Registrazione di un video Riproduzione Riproduzione di fileIT-9 Visualizzazione delle fotografieDisconnessione sicura per Windows XP Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsIT-10 Disco rimovibile → Dcim → 100PHOTOIT-11 SpecificheSpecificaties… ……………… InhoudsopgaveInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid NL-2Voorzichtig De camera voorzichtig en verstandig behandelen en opslaanPlaatst.NL-3 NL-4 Onderdelen en knoppen van de cameraUitpakken Optionele accessoiresUw camera gereedmaken voor gebruik NL-5Naar boven NL-6De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen De goudkleurige Het Samsung-logo wijstDe batterij opladen NL-7NL-8 Foto’s en videos makenBestanden afspelen NL-9Videos bekijken Bestanden overzetten naar een pc Windows NL-10Veilig loskoppelen voor Windows XP NL-11 SpecificatiesLayout da câmara… ………… SumárioInformações de saúde e segurança PT-2Manipule e armazene sua câmara com cuidado PT-3Manipule e descarte baterias e carregadores com cuidado CuidadosPT-4 Layout da câmaraAcessórios opcionais Configurando sua câmaraPT-5 DesembalandoVoltado para cima PT-6Inserir a bateria e o cartão de memória Com o logo da SamsungIndicador luminoso PT-7Carregando a bateria Pressione Para confirmar a opção ou o Menu realçadoCapturando fotos ou vídeos PT-8Gravando um vídeo Reprodução Reproduzir ficheirosPT-9 Exibindo fotosDisco removível → Dcim → 100PHOTO Transferindo ficheiros para um PC WindowsPT-10 Desconectando com segurança Windows XPEcrã Foco EspecificaçõesPT-11 Sensor de imagensAD68-05522A
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The Samsung EC-PL200ZBPBE2, EC-PL200ZBPSE2, and EC-PL200ZBPRE2 are innovative digital cameras that exemplify compact design coupled with impressive functionality. Known for their stylish appearance and user-friendly interface, these models cater to photography enthusiasts looking for quality without sacrificing portability.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-PL200 series is its 14-megapixel sensor. This high-resolution imaging capability allows for capturing stunningly detailed photographs, making it ideal for everything from casual snapshots to more artistic endeavors. The cameras also come equipped with a 7x optical zoom lens, offering impressive versatility. The zoom feature enables users to easily capture both wide-angle landscapes and close-up shots, all while maintaining clarity and sharpness.

Another notable characteristic of the EC-PL200 series is its Smart Auto mode. This intelligent feature automatically adjusts camera settings based on the environment and subject being photographed. It analyzes factors such as lighting, motion, and distance to select the optimal settings, ensuring that users can take great photos with minimal effort. Additionally, the cameras offer a range of scene modes, empowering users to enhance their creativity depending on the shooting conditions.

The EC-PL200 models also boast a dual image stabilization system, which is vital for reducing blurriness caused by shaky hands or movement. This combined optical and digital stabilization technology ensures that photos remain sharp and vibrant, even in challenging shooting environments.

In terms of connectivity, the EC-PL200 series supports HDMI output, allowing users to easily connect their cameras to external displays for viewing their captured images and videos. Furthermore, these models typically include a range of integrated editing features, enabling users to make enhancements and adjustments directly on the camera without the need for additional software.

The Samsung EC-PL200ZBPBE2, EC-PL200ZBPSE2, and EC-PL200ZBPRE2 models are designed with user comfort in mind, featuring an ergonomic grip for secure handling. With their blend of style, advanced technology, and practical features, these cameras stand out as excellent options for anyone looking to capture life's moments with ease and creativity.