Remove 1 screw (use screwdriver) and 2 bolts (use 3/16 allen wrench), and then remove right side middle hinge.
| 4 | Cap |
| 01 | |
| 3 | |
| Cover | |
Remove the freezer door by lifting it |
straight up. (Low hinge cap may come |
off with the freezer door.) |
Be careful not to drop or scratch the | Separate front leg cover by removing 2 |
| |
freezer door. | screws. |
4 | 4 |
Separate the cap of the front leftleg side of the Cover and insert
it on the front right leg side of the Cover.
Remove 2 bolts of each hinge and remove both right and left side bottom hinges.
Separate low hinge shaft by using 5/32 wrench and disassemble low hinge leg by turning it colockwise, and then assemble the low hinge by turning it over.
4 | 11 | 10 |
3 |
Reattach the former right hinge on the left side and the former left hinge on the right side by using 2bolts.
Separate stopper by removing 1 screw |
on the right lower side of freezer and |
assemble the stopper on the left side by |
reversing it. | Replace the bottom hinge cap cover. |
setting up _15