Operating your TV with the Remote Control
1 Press TV button to set the remote to TV mode.
2 Press POWER button to turn on the TV.
3 Point the remote control toward the TV.
4 While holding down POWER button, enter the code corresponding to your brand of TV.
• If the code matches the TV's code, the TV will be turned off.
• If there is more than one code listed for your TV in the table, enter one at a time to determine which code works.
If TV is turned on or off when you press the
5 power button of the remote control, the setting is completed.
• You can use the TV POWER, VOLUME, CHANNEL, MENU and Numeric buttons (0~9).
•The remote control may not work on some brands of TVs. Also, some operations may not be possible depending on your brand of TV.
•The remote control will work with Samsung TVs by default.
TV Brand Code List
Brand | Code Number | Brand | Code Number | Brand | Code Number |
ADMIRAL(M.WARDS) | 056, 057, 058 | LUXMAN | 018 | SYLVANIA | 018, 040, 048, 054, 059, |
A MARK | 001, 015 | LXI(SEARS) | 019, 054, 056, 059, 060, |
| 060, 062 |
ANAM | 001, 002, 003, 004,005, |
| 062, 063, 065, 071 | SYMPHONIC | 061, 095, 096 |
| 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, | MAGNAVOX | 015, 017, 018, 048, 054, | TATUNG | 006 |
| 011, 012, 013, 014 |
| 059, 060, 062, 072, 089 | TECHWOOD | 018 |
AOC | 001, 018, 040, 048 | MARANTZ | 040, 054 | TEKNIKA | 003, 015, 018, 025 |
BELL&HOWELL(M.WARDS) | 057, 058, 081 | MATSUI | 054 | TMK | 018, 040 |
BROCSONIC | 059, 060 | MGA | 018, 040 | TOSHIBA | 019, 057, 063, 071, 101 |
CANDLE | 018 | MITSUBISHI/MGA | 018, 040, 054, 059, 060, |
| 107, 109, 110, 111, 113 |
CETRONIC | 003 |
| 075, 101 | VIDTECH | 018 |
CITIZEN | 003, 018, 025 | MTC | 018 | VIDECH | 059, 060, 069 |
CINEMA | 097 | NEC | 018, 019, 020, 040, 059, | WARDS | 015, 017, 018, 040, 048, |
CLASSIC | 003 |
| 060 |
| 054, 060, 064 |
CONCERTO | 018 | NIKEI | 003 | YAMAHA | 018 |
CONTEC | 046 | ONKING | 003 | YORK | 040 |
CORONADO | 015 | ONWA | 003 | YUPITERU | 003 |
CRAIG | 003, 005, 061, 082, 083, | PANASONIC | 006, 007, 008, 009, 054, | ZENITH | 058, 079 |
| 084 |
| 066, 067, 073, 074 | ZONDA | 001 |
CROSLEX | 062 | PENNEY | 018 | DONGYANG | 003, 054 |
CROWN | 003 | PHILCO | 003, 015, 017, 018, 048, | LOWE | 054 |
CURTIS MATHES | 059, 061, 063 |
| 054, 059, 062, 069, 090 | FINLUX | 054, 109, 114 |
CXC | 003 | PHILIPS | 015, 017, 018, 040, 048 | YOKO | 054 |
DAEWOO | 002, 003, 004, 015,016, |
| 054, 062, 072, 112, 114, | LOEWE OPTA | 054, 114 |
| 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, |
| 117, 118 | PHONOLA | 054, 112, 114 |
| 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, | PIONEER | 063, 066, 080, 091 | RADIOLA | 054, 112 |
| 027, 028, 029, 030, 032, | PORTLAND | 015, 018, 059 | SCHNEIDER | 054 |
| 034, 035, 036, 040, 048, | PROTON | 040 | AKAI | 103 |
| 059, 090, 099, 100 | QUASAR | 006, 066, 067 | GRUNDIG | 108, 109, 113, 119, 120, |
DAYTRON | 040 | RADIO SHACK | 017, 048, 056, 060, 061, |
| 121 |
DYNASTY | 003 |
| 075 | BLAUPUNKT | 108 |
EMERSON | 003, 015, 040, 046, 059, | RCA/PROSCAN | 018, 059, 067, 076, 077 | SIEMENS | 108 |
| 061, 064, 082, 083, 084, |
| 078, 092, 093, 094 | CGE | 113 |
| 085 | REALISTIC | 003, 019 | IMPERIAL | 113 |
FISHER | 019, 065, 103 | SAMPO | 040 | MIVAR | 113 |
FUNAI | 003 | SAMSUNG | 000, 015, 016, 017, 040, | SABA | 114 | MISCELLANENOUS |
| 043, 046, 047, 048, 049, | BANG&OLUFSEN | 114 | |
| |||||
GENERAL ELECTRIC(GE) | 006, 040, 056, 059, 066, |
| 054, 059, 060, 098 | BRIONVEGA | 114 |
| 067, 068 | SANYO | 019, 061, 065, 101, 102, | FORMENTI | 114 |
HALL MARK | 040 |
| 103, 104 | METZ | 114 |
HITACHI | 015, 018, 050, 059, 069 | SCOTT | 003, 040, 060, 061 | WEGA | 114 |
INKEL | 045 | SEARS | 015, 018, 019 | RADIOMARELLI | 114 |
JC PENNY | 056, 059, 067, 086 | SHARP | 015, 057, 064, 101, 105, | SINGER | 114 |
JVC | 070 |
| 106, 115 | SINUDYNE | 114 |
KTV | 059, 061, 087, 088 | SIGNATURE2000(M.WARDS) | 057, 058 | TELEFUNKEN | 116 |
KEC | 003, 015, 040 | SONY | 050, 051, 052, 053, 055, |
KMC | 015 |
| 101 |
LG(GOLDSTAR) | 001, 015, 016, 017, 037, | SOUNDESIGN | 003, 040 |
| 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, | SPECTRICON | 001 |
| 043, 044, 054, 086 | SSS | 018 |
44 | 45 |