Samsung VCC7030V3S/XEH, VCC7030V4S/XEU, VCC7030V3S/BOL, VCC7023V3S/SBW manual ÇÄÜçà èêÖÑìèêÖÑìÇÄæÄ

Page 16

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EMC Directive : 89/336/EEC , 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC

Low Voltage Safety Directive : 73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC


Image 16
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VCC7023V3S/BOL, VCC7030V4S/XEU, VCC7030V3S/XEH, VCC7030V3S/BOL, VCC7030V3S/INT specifications

Samsung has long been a leader in the electronics space, consistently introducing innovative products that combine advanced technology with user-friendly designs. Among its impressive lineup is a range of vacuum cleaners, including models VCC7030V3S/LIB, VCC7030V3S/INT, VCC7030V3S/BOL, VCC7020V3B/XEH, and VCC7030V3S/XEH. Each of these models brings unique features and cutting-edge technologies that enhance cleaning efficiency and convenience.

The Samsung VCC7030 series emphasizes powerful suction capabilities, making it a compelling choice for those looking to maintain a clean home. The models are equipped with a highly efficient motor that maximizes airflow while minimizing energy consumption. This energy-efficient feature not only helps in extending the life of the vacuum but also contributes to cost savings on electricity bills.

One of the standout characteristics of the Samsung VCC7030V3S/INT and its counterparts is the incorporation of CycloneForce technology. This innovative system ensures strong and consistent suction even as the dust container fills up. Besides maintaining performance, the feature also simplifies maintenance for users by reducing the frequency of filter replacements.

Moreover, the intuitive design of the vacuum cleaners allows for easy maneuverability. The lightweight construction of these models enables users to navigate around furniture and tight spaces effortlessly, enhancing user experience during cleaning sessions. The ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip, reducing strain during extended use.

The various model designations, such as VCC7030V3S/LIB and VCC7020V3B/XEH, represent different regional configurations or color variations, catering to diverse consumer preferences. Each variant maintains similar core technologies while offering unique aesthetics to suit various home décor styles.

In addition to these features, the Samsung VCC7030 series employs advanced filtration systems that capture fine dust particles and allergens, making these vacuums ideal for households with allergy sufferers. The smart design ensures that these particles do not escape back into the air, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

Overall, Samsung's range of vacuum cleaners, particularly the models from the VCC7030 and VCC7020 series, exemplifies the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. With powerful suction, user-friendly designs, and advanced filtration technologies, these vacuums are well-suited for effective cleaning in modern homes.