Samsung RT72SBPN1/SML, RT77SBPN1/SML manual ADDiTionAL TiPs for ProPEr usAgE, Saving Energy Tips

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ADDiTionAL TiPs for ProPEr usAgE

To get best performance of product,

-Do not place foods too closely in front of the vents at the rear of the appliance as it can obstruct free air circulation in the freezer compartment.

-Wrap the food up properly or place it in airtight containers before put it into the fridge freezer.

-Do not put any newly introduced food for freezing near to already frozen food.

Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer compartment.

Please observe maximum storage times and expiry dates of frozen goods.

There is no need to disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply if you will be away for less than three weeks. But, remove all the food if you are going away for the three weeks or more. Unplug the refrigerator and clean it, rinse and dry.

In the event of a power failure, call the local office of your Electricity Company and ask how long it is going to last. Most power failures that are corrected in an hour or two will not affect your refrigerator temperatures. However, you should minimize the number of door openings while the power is off. But should the power failure last more than 24hours, remove all frozen food.

If the key is provided with refrigerator, the keys should be kept out of the reach of children and not in the vicinity of the appliance.

The appliance might not operate consistently (possibility of defrosting of contents or temperature becoming too warm in the frozen food compartment) when sited for an extended period of time below the cold end of the range of temperatures for which the refrigerating appliance is designed.

Do not store food which goes bad easily at low temperature, such as bananas, melons.

Place the ice tray at the originally provided position by manufacturer in order to achieve optimal ice-freezing.

Your appliance is frost free, which means there is no need to manually defrost your appliance, as this will be carried out automatically.

Temperature rising during the defrost can comply with ISO requirement. But If you want to prevent an undue rise in the temperature of the frozen food while defrosting the appliance, please wrap the frozen food in several layers of paper such as newspaper.

Any increase in temperature of frozen food during defrosting can shorten its storage life.

saving Energy Tips

-Install the appliance in a cool, dry room with adequate ventilation.

Ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and never put it near a direct source of heat (radiator, for example).

-Never block any vents or grilles on the appliance.

-Allow warm food to cool down before placing it in the appliance.

-Put frozen food in the refrigerator to thaw.

You can then use the low temperatures of the frozen products to cool food in the refrigerator.

-Do not keep the door of the appliance open for too long when putting food in or taking food out.

The shorter time for which the door is open, the less ice will form in the freezer.

-Clean the rear of the refrigerator regularly. Dust increases energy consumption.

-Do not set temperature colder than necessary.

-Ensure sufficient air exhaust at the refrigerator base and at the back wall of the refrigerator. Do not cover air vent openings.

-Allow clearance to the right, left, back and top when installing.

This will help reduce power consumption and keep your energy bills lower.

safety information _5

DA99-01697J(0.1).indd 5

2011.6.8 1:54:45





Image 5 Contents
Refrigerator SAfETy inforMATion Safety informationSEVErE wArning signs Agent if power cord has become frayed or damagedQuantity 0.16Kg Global Warming Potential GWP = Saving Energy Tips ADDiTionAL TiPs for ProPEr usAgESetting up your refrigerator ContentsLEVELing the rEfrigErATor InsTALLing AnD DisAssEMBLing the Door HAnDLEInstalling the Door Handle Using the DigiTAL DisPLAy SETTing uP the rEfrigErATorPower Freeze Operating the Samsung refrigerator1Coolselect Turbo Type Coolselect Turbo TypeDoor Alarm ConTroLLing the TEMPErATurEELECTroniC ConTroLVacation Child lockDesired temperature is shown in the cover damper ConTroLLing the TEMPErATurEsEMi ELECTroniC ConTroLMAKing iCE oPTionAL Using wATEr DisPEnsEroPTionALMaking Ice Cubes Removing the Ice CubesClose the refrigerator door after fitting the water tank REPLACing the inTErior LigHT REMoVing the rEfrigErATor ACCEssoriEsCLEAning the rEfrigErATor Troubleshooting Ambient Room Temperature Limits Холодильник ПРОЧИе зНакИ ИнфОрмация О безОПаснОстиЗНакИ ПРеДуПРеЖДеНИя СтрОгие знаки ПреДУПреЖДения ПреДУПреЖДающие знаки При Утилизации ПреДУПреЖДающие знакиПреДУПреЖДающие знаки При чистке хОлОДильника Советы по экономии энергии ДОПОлнительные сОВеты ПО ПраВильнОмУ исПОльзОВаниюBыбор наилучшего местоположения для холодильника ПОДгОтОВка к УстанОВке хОлОДильникаУстановка ручки дверцы ВыраВниВание хОлОДильникаУстанОВка и ДемОнтаЖ рУчки ДВерцы Мощная заморозка НастрОйка хОлОДильникаРабОта с цифрОВым ЭкранОм Технология Coolselect Turbo Тип Технология Coolselect Turbo ТипУПраВление темПератУрОй ЭлектрОннОе Поворачивайте ручку холодильника по часовой УПраВление темПератУрОй ПОлУЭлектрОннОеРабОта с ДисПенсерОм Для ВОДы ДОПОлнительнО ПригОтОВление льДа ДОПОлнительнОПоворотный ЛОТОк ДЛя ПРИГОТОВЛеНИя ЛЬДа СЪеМНЫЙ ЛОТОк ДЛя ЛЬДаЕмкость водой Замена ОсВетительнОй ламПы ИзВлечение аксессУарОВ хОлОДильникаЧистка хОлОДильника Выявление неисправностей Температурные границы окружающей среды רצומה יעוציבבו תוחיטבה תונוכתב עוגפל ילבמ DA99-01697J0.1.indd 2011.6.8 DA99-01697J0.1.indd 2011.6.8 1569 PM Memo Memo תולקת רותיא תימינפה הרואתה תרונ תפלחה ררקמה ירזבא תרסהררקמה יוקינ ררקמה תלד תא רוגס ,םימה לכמ תנקתה רחאלהרסהל ןתינה חרק שגמ ילנויצפוא םימה קסויקב שומישהיצפוא חרק תנכה שימגה חרקה שגמ רוריקה את לש הרוטרפמט תרקב תינורטקלא-יצח הרקב הרוטרפמטה תרקבהאפקהה את לש הרוטרפמטה תרקב םידלי תליענ ChilD loCk השפוח VACAtioNהחותפ תלד תערתה רוריקה את לש הרוטרפמטה תרקברתוי בר ןמז ךשמל םיגדו רשב לש תוירטה תרימשל גוס CoolSElECt tURBoהלועפל ררקמה תנכה ררקמ לש הלעפהה ןפוא גנוסמסילטיגידה גצב שומיש הריהמ האפקהתלדה תידי תנקתה ררקמה סוליפתלדה תידי לש קוריפו הנקתה הלועפל ררקמה תנכה םיניינעה ןכותררקמה תנקתהל הנכה ררקמה תבצהל רתויב בוטה םוקמב הריחבלמשחב ןוכסיחל תוצע ןוכנ שומישל תופסונ תוצעקוליס אשונב הרהזא ילמס הארתה ילמסןויקינ יבגל תוריהז ילמס הרומח הרהזא ילמס תוחיטב אשונב עדימ תוחיטב אשונב עדימךירדמב םיעיפומה תוריהז/הרהזא ילמס ךירדמב םירחא םילמסRT72SA**/RT72SB RT77SA**/RT77SB RT77BB ʸʸʷʮ
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