Samsung NV70H3340BS/WT manual Энергетическая Эффективность

Page 7

Children should be kept at a safe distance when the oven is in use.

Frozen foods such as pizzas should be cooked on the big grid. If the baking tray is used, it may become deformed due to the great variation in temperatures.

Do not pour water into the bottom of the oven when it is hot. This could cause damage to the enamel surface.

The oven door must be closed during cooking.

Do not line the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil and do not place any baking trays or tins on it. The aluminum foil blocks the heat, which may result in damage to the enamel surfaces and cause poor cooking results.

Fruit juices will leave stains, which can become permanent on the enamel surfaces of the oven. When cooking very moist cakes, use the deep pan.

Do not rest bake ware on the open oven door.

Keep children away from the door when opening or closing it as they may bump themselves on the door or catch their fingers in the door.

Do not step, lean, sit or place heavy items on the door.

Do not open the door with unnecessarily strong force.

WARNING: Do not disconnect the appliance from the main power supply even after the cooking process is completed.

WARNING: Do not leave the door open while oven is cooking.

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С￿￿￿• NV66*33 : 66 ￿

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2014-07-11 ￿￿ 11:11:57

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Contents Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product User & installation manualContents English Safety instructions Using this manual Thank you for choosing Samsung Built In Oven 01USING this Manual & Safety Instructions English Энергетическая Эффективность Bulb Exchange MaintenanceSafety instructions for installation InstallationEnsure protection from live parts when installing the oven Door Glass Removal Door RemovalClip on the hinge should be closed on both sides Applicable in countries with separate collection systems EnvironmentAuto Energy Saving Function Energy Saving TIPFront design AccessoriesWire shelf Oven controlsTo use it Universal tray Depending on modelExtra deep tray Depending on model Rotisserie spit and Shashlik Depending on modelSET Temperature Initial cleaningUsing the oven Select the Cooking ModeSET Time Time settingSET Cook Timer SET END TimerOther settings Cooking functions SymbolUse Poultry CHICKEN/DUCK Cooking guideMeat BEEF/PORK/LAMB Grill Mode Shelf Accessory Temp TimeFish DishesAccessory Temp Time Level Food Item ModeBaked Goods Cheese Accessory TempFrozen READY-MEAL Each 75 g No preheat necessaryAutomatic cooking Food item Weight/kg Accessory Shelf RecommendationAuto Cook Programmes Wire shelf Marinate Roast Beef and put on WireSecond setting is for thick chops On the Wire shelfMixtures using 500 g wheat flour Prepare vegetable gratin using anSet dish on rack .5 -0.6 kg weight Each 45 g, 0.7-0.8 kg weight range isCatalytic parts can be 1 side or 3 sides depending on model Cleaning and caresSteam Cleaning Depending on Model Catalytic Enamel Surface Depending on ModelWater Collector Cleaning Depending on Model Hand CleaningDetaching the Side Runners Depending on Model Attaching the Side Catalyst Depending on Model Cleaning the Ceiling Depending on ModelSafety Error TroubleshootingSafety Shutoff Key ErrorGrilling Cooking modeAccessory Shelf Cooking mode Temp Test dishesDG68-00591B-01 Саа а Таа
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