Using the Digital Video Test Bench (DVTB)
4.9Using the Digital Video Test Bench (DVTB)
The Digital Video Test Bench (DVTB) is a Linux utility that was developed to execute
Using DVTB, you can configure codecs and/or peripherals before starting a data flow. This enables you to try different use case scenarios and evaluate the system.
The DVSDK installation places DVTB in the /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/dvtb_#_#_# directory, where #_#_# is the DVTB version number.
To install DVTB to the target file system, perform the following steps on the host machine where the DVSDK has been installed:
1)Make sure the Rules.make file defines PLATFORM correctly as described in Section 4.6.
2)Perform the following commands:
host $ cd /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/dvtb_#_#_#
host $ make clean CONFIGPKG=dm357
host $ make CONFIGPKG=dm357
3)Copy the binaries
For further details on the DVTB, see the following documents:
❏Release Notes.
❏User Guide..
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