Rebuilding the DVEVM Software for the Target
7)If the kernel is configured with any loadable modules (that is, selecting <M> for a module in menuconfig), use the following commands to rebuild and install these modules:
host $ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm_v5t_le- modules
host $ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm_v5t_le-
INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys modules_install
8)Use the following command to copy uImage to a place where
host $
host $ chmod a+r /tftpboot/uImage
For more information on setting up a TFTP server, see Section A.3.
See a standard Linux kernel reference book or online source for more about Linux build configuration options.
4.6Rebuilding the DVEVM Software for the Target
To place demo files in the /opt/dvevm directory, you need to rebuild the
DVEVM software. To do this, follow these steps:
1)If you have not already done so, rebuild the Linux kernel as described in Section 4.5.
2)Change directory to dvsdk_#_#.
3)Edit the dvsdk_#_#/Rules.make file.
■Set PLATFORM to match your EVM board as follows:
■Make sure EXEC_DIR points to the opt directory on the NFS exported file system as follows:
■Make sure MVTOOL_DIR points to the MontaVista Linux tools directory as follows: