AXIS P1343-E Network Camera
The Axis product can be configured to perform actions when different events occur, for example, start a recording when motion is detected. The set of conditions that defines how and when the action is triggered is called an Action Rule. The action rule will apply at specific periods called Schedules. It is possible to specify how often the action rule will recur. This is called Recurrences.
Available Action Rule triggers include:
•Detectors, for example audio detection and motion detection, see Detectors, on page 31
•Input Signal — when the product’s I/O port receives a signal from an external device, such as a smoke detector or switch
•PTZ — when the product’s pan/tilt/zoom controls are activated or when the view stops at a preset position
•Storage — when a storage device is available, locked or full
•System — when the product is started
•Time, see Recurrences, on page 36
Possible actions include:
•Day/Night Vision Mode
•Output Port — activate an output to, for example, sound an alarm or lock a door
•Play Audio Clip
•Record Video — record video and save to a selected storage
•Send Images and Notifications — once recipients have been set up, a notification can be sent that an event has occurred
•Status LED
Convert Event Types to Action Rules
The internal Event Management system has been redesigned from firmware version 5.40. The legacy user Event Types in the camera will continue to work but will not be visible in the user interface of the camera. The Event Types need to be converted to Action rules to become visible in the user interface.
To convert Event Types to Action Rules go to Events > Action Rules and click Convert.
This is not recommended when using a VMS based on the old Event Management System.
Setting Up an Action Rule
An action rule defines the conditions that must be met for the product to perform an action, for example record video or send email notifications. If multiple conditions are defined, all must be met to trigger the action.
The following example describes how to set up an action rule to send an email if there is movement in the product’s field of view:
1.Go to Events > Action Rules and click Add.
2.Select the Enable rule option and enter a descriptive name for the rule.
3.Select Detectors from the Trigger
4.Select Motion Detection from the