Barco 08-0311105-00 installation instructions JLb=`çååÉÅíçê=mêáçêáíó

Page 13


VPx Hardware

previous VP or VPx in the chain. connected to its associated M/E and never cross-routed.

An M/E’s Source Link Input must always be Source Link Output on the previous chassis,


In Chapter 3 “Installation” of the Encore Presentation System User’s Guide, refer to the “Program and Source Link Connections” section for details on the link connectors in wide screen configurations.

d)DVI Input B

One DVI-I connector is provided for both digital and analog inputs to the M/E’s Layer B and background channel.

~Digital — connect a digital graphics source directly to this input, or connect the output of a digital graphics router.

~Analog — using the appropriate adapter cable, connect an analog source directly to this input.

Refer to the “M/E Input Notes” section on page 14 for details on the use of this connector’s analog component.


Depending on your VP or VPx configuration, the M/E connectors on the rear of the chassis do not necessarily relate 1:1 to the layer buttons in the Controller’s Layer Control Section. Please note:

The Controller’s layer buttons are arranged left-to-right in order of visual priority, from the lowest (Mixer 1) to the highest (Mixer 3).

The M/E boards are arranged in order of electronic priority, from the lowest (M/E 3) to the highest (M/E 1).

Electronic priority does not equate 1:1 to visual priority, with regard to the silk- screened labels on the Controller.

With this in mind, the information below lists how the physical connectors relate to the various mixers on different VP and VPx configurations. Keep this correlation in mind when you are making rear-panel connections.

In a 3 M/E system:

~M/E 1 connectors are the highest priority. They appear as Mixer 3 on the Controller. The DSK will be connected to the M/E 1 board.

~M/E 2 connectors have middle priority. They appear as Mixer 2.

~M/E 3 connectors are the lowest priority. They appear as Mixer 1. Background sources will be connected to the M/E 3 board.

In a 2 M/E system:

~M/E 1 connectors are the highest priority, and appear as Mixer 2. The DSK will be connected to the M/E 1 board.

~M/E 2 connectors are the lowest priority, and appear as Mixer 1. Background sources will be connected to the M/E 2 board.

~M/E 3 connectors are not installed.

Encore VPx Installation Guide • 08-0311105-00 Rev 00




Image 13
Contents Få=qÜáë=dìáÇÉ Encore VPx Installation Guide 08-0311105-00 RevFãéçêí~åí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=kçíáÅÉ== `Ü~åÖÉ=eáëíçêó`çéóêáÖÜí `çéóêáÖÜíë=~åÇ=kçíáÅÉëKçíáÅÉ Copyrights and NoticesQê~ÇÉã~êâë `çãé~åó=ÇÇêÉëëBarco, Inc Barco N.VLéÉê~íçêë=p~ÑÉíó=pìãã~êó Tokfkd QÉêãë=~åÇ=bèìáéãÉåí=j~êâáåÖ=`rqflk SboqfppbjbkqFåíêçÇìÅíáçå=íç=smñ Smñ=lîÉêîáÉïFåéìí=cäÉñáÄáäáíó VPx OverviewLìíéìí=cäÉñáÄáäáíó PÅ~äáåÖ=~åÇ=hÉóáåÖSmñ=cêçåí=m~åÉä Smñ=e~êÇï~êÉChassis Handles Air Intake PortsSmñ=oÉ~ê=m~åÉä One DVI connector is provided for Digital Preview OutputPreview Out DVI Preview Out AnalogProgram 2 Out Analog 11 M/E 1 Connectors 12 M/E 2 Connectors 13 M/E 3 ConnectorsProgram 2 Out DVI Program 1 Out DVIUnit ID Selector AC ConnectorSerial Port DVI Input a Smñ=jLb=`çååÉÅíçêëSource Link Out Source LinkJLb=`çååÉÅíçê=mêáçêáíó MêçÖê~ã=lìíéìí=kçíÉë JLb=fåéìí=kçíÉëRåé~ÅâáåÖ=~åÇ=fåëéÉÅíáçå= Fåëí~ää~íáçåPáíÉ=mêÉé~ê~íáçå= `~ÄäÉ=~åÇ=Ç~éíÉê=fåÑçêã~íáçåFollowing installation procedures are provided Install the lower of the two mounting holes firstFåëí~ääáåÖ=smñ Fåëí~ääáåÖ=smu=áå=~=táÇÉ=pÅêÉÉå=`çåÑáÖìê~íáçå Qty Installation For this procedure, you will needOutput Connections Connect the computer’s head 3 to processor 3, input 1AFåëí~ääáåÖ=smñ=áå=~=táÇÉ=pÅêÉÉå=mêÉîáÉï=`çåÑáÖìê~íáçå Wide Screen Program/Preview Monitor PIPs Output Connections Fåëí~ääáåÖ=smñ=áå=~=táÇÉ=pÅêÉÉå=pí~Åâ=`çåÑáÖìê~íáçå Equipment List, Wide Screen Stack Configuration BåÅçêÉ=smñ=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ Stack Interconnections System ID Using the Unit ID SelectorBåÅçêÉ=smñ=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ Table below lists VPx input specifications Technical SpecificationsQÉÅÜåáÅ~ä=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë Smñ=fåéìí=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë=Output Parameter Specification Table below lists VPx output specificationsLìíéìí=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë= Parameter Detail Specification Table below lists VPx communications specificationsMÜóëáÅ~ä=~åÇ=bäÉÅíêáÅ~ä=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë= `çããìåáÅ~íáçåë=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë=