Barco 08-0311105-00 Connect the computer’s head 3 to processor 3, input 1A, Output Connections

Page 19




Connect the computer’s “head 2” to processor 2, input 3A Connect the computer’s “head 3” to processor 3, input 3A

Input 3A resides on the lowest priority M/E in a 3 M/E system. To connect a second background, use input 3B.

c.The DSK source may originate from a computer with a multi-head graphics card, but it is not a requirement.

To use a multi-head graphics card for the DSK, connect it to the same input on each VPx — to the highest priority M/E (M/E 1).

S To connect an unscaled DSK source in a triple processor system (each processor with three M/Es):


Connect the computer’s “head 1” to processor 1, input 1A Connect the computer’s “head 2” to processor 2, input 1A

Connect the computer’s “head 3” to processor 3, input 1A

Input 1A resides on the highest priority M/E in a 3 M/E Encore system. If you wish to connect a backup DSK, use input 1B.

8.Output Connections

a.For each VPx, connect the analog or digital Preview Output to the input of the associated Preview Monitor.

b.For each VPx, connect the analog or digital Program 2 Output to the input of the associated Program Monitor.

c.For each VPx, connect the analog or digital Program 1 Output to the input of the associated projector.

d.Connect the Program Out HD/SDI connector to an SDI or HDTV monitor as required, or to the proper video distribution equipment.


This output only works if the selected output resolution is a valid SDI or HD/SDI format.

9.Link Connections — in a widescreen application, the Program Link and Source Link connections are used to connect processors together, and bridge inputs and outputs for the proper “overlap” between projectors. In Chapter 3 of the Encore Presentation System User’s Guide, refer to the “Program and Source Link Connections” section for details.

10.Power Connection — connect AC power cords to all Encore and peripheral equipment, and then to AC outlets.

11.System ID — Using the Unit ID Selector, set the ID of Processor #1 to 1, Processor #2 to 2, and Processor #3 to 3. Each unit must have a unique ID. Remember that you can redefine IDs using numbers 17 - 32 from the Miscellaneous Menu.

12.Power On — Refer to Chapter 6 of the Encore Presentation System User’s Guide for all power on instructions.

Encore VPx Installation Guide • 08-0311105-00 Rev 00




Image 19
Contents `Ü~åÖÉ=eáëíçêó Encore VPx Installation Guide 08-0311105-00 RevFå=qÜáë=dìáÇÉ Fãéçêí~åí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=kçíáÅÉ==Copyrights and Notices `çéóêáÖÜíë=~åÇ=kçíáÅÉë`çéóêáÖÜí KçíáÅÉBarco N.V `çãé~åó=ÇÇêÉëëQê~ÇÉã~êâë Barco, IncLéÉê~íçêë=p~ÑÉíó=pìãã~êó Sboqfppbjbkq QÉêãë=~åÇ=bèìáéãÉåí=j~êâáåÖ=Tokfkd `rqflkVPx Overview Smñ=lîÉêîáÉïFåíêçÇìÅíáçå=íç=smñ Fåéìí=cäÉñáÄáäáíóLìíéìí=cäÉñáÄáäáíó PÅ~äáåÖ=~åÇ=hÉóáåÖAir Intake Ports Smñ=e~êÇï~êÉSmñ=cêçåí=m~åÉä Chassis HandlesPreview Out Analog One DVI connector is provided for Digital Preview OutputSmñ=oÉ~ê=m~åÉä Preview Out DVIProgram 1 Out DVI 11 M/E 1 Connectors 12 M/E 2 Connectors 13 M/E 3 ConnectorsProgram 2 Out Analog Program 2 Out DVIUnit ID Selector AC ConnectorSerial Port Source Link Smñ=jLb=`çååÉÅíçêëDVI Input a Source Link OutJLb=`çååÉÅíçê=mêáçêáíó MêçÖê~ã=lìíéìí=kçíÉë JLb=fåéìí=kçíÉë`~ÄäÉ=~åÇ=Ç~éíÉê=fåÑçêã~íáçå Fåëí~ää~íáçåRåé~ÅâáåÖ=~åÇ=fåëéÉÅíáçå= PáíÉ=mêÉé~ê~íáçå=Following installation procedures are provided Install the lower of the two mounting holes firstFåëí~ääáåÖ=smñ Fåëí~ääáåÖ=smu=áå=~=táÇÉ=pÅêÉÉå=`çåÑáÖìê~íáçå Qty Installation For this procedure, you will needOutput Connections Connect the computer’s head 3 to processor 3, input 1AFåëí~ääáåÖ=smñ=áå=~=táÇÉ=pÅêÉÉå=mêÉîáÉï=`çåÑáÖìê~íáçå Wide Screen Program/Preview Monitor PIPs Output Connections Fåëí~ääáåÖ=smñ=áå=~=táÇÉ=pÅêÉÉå=pí~Åâ=`çåÑáÖìê~íáçå Equipment List, Wide Screen Stack Configuration BåÅçêÉ=smñ=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ Stack Interconnections System ID Using the Unit ID SelectorBåÅçêÉ=smñ=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ Smñ=fåéìí=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë= Technical SpecificationsTable below lists VPx input specifications QÉÅÜåáÅ~ä=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåëOutput Parameter Specification Table below lists VPx output specificationsLìíéìí=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë= `çããìåáÅ~íáçåë=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë= Table below lists VPx communications specificationsParameter Detail Specification MÜóëáÅ~ä=~åÇ=bäÉÅíêáÅ~ä=péÉÅáÑáÅ~íáçåë=